Voicebar - Fixed Footer and News Ticker
Latest Release: Version 1.0.1
Version History: [link]
Demo: Live site - The Voice Internet Radio
Special Thanks
Voicebar is an add-on that allows you to add a fixed footer to your forum containing useful links and a news ticker of the latest information being posted. These links, text, and additional features can be controlled through options and custom settings in the Admin CP that allow you to customize your footer to your specifications.
Latest Release: Version 1.0.1
Version History: [link]
Demo: Live site - The Voice Internet Radio

Special Thanks
Voicebar is an add-on that allows you to add a fixed footer to your forum containing useful links and a news ticker of the latest information being posted. These links, text, and additional features can be controlled through options and custom settings in the Admin CP that allow you to customize your footer to your specifications.
- Download and unzip the .zip folder attached at the bottom of this post.
- Upload everything inside the upload directory to the appropriate directories, which are noted by the names of the folders.
- Install the add-on by importing the XML file contained in the .zip folder.
- Edit the footer as follows:
- Edit colors @tertiaryDark, @tertiaryMedium, @voicebarHover, @voicebarBelow, and @voicebarShadow in the Color Palette.
- Edit voicebar_button_left and voicebar_button_right text in Phrases.
- Edit links, images, and text in Options, under Voicebar - Fixed Footer and News Ticker - Settings.