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vBulletin Connect

VB5 vBulletin Connect 5.7.4 Nulled

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vBulletin Connect 5.7.4 is now available to download. vBulletin Cloud sites will be upgraded automatically in the next 7-14 days.

Page Manager​

We updated the Page Manager and added tools that allow users to set the vBulletin home page and delete custom pages.

We have streamlined the processes after changing the home page in addition to this. We will remove the breadcrumbs on the new homepage and handle navigation tabs in the following manner.

  1. If there is a tab for the previous homepage, the link will be updated to the canonical URL for the corresponding page.
  2. If there is a tab for the new homepage, the link will be updated to the vBulletin root (i.e., '/').
  3. If no tab exists for the new homepage, one will be created.

Click image for larger version  Name:    CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 10.04.32.jpg Views:    0 Size:    127.8 KB ID:    4480572


Navigations Links can be assigned to a page within the vBulletin system using a drop-down menu. Pages, including channels, will be listed alphabetically. When set in this manner and when the URL of a page changes, the Navigation Link will automatically change to the new URL.

AdminCP Channel Manager​

The date of the last activity is listed in the channel manager. This information can help administrators when merging or deleting channels to remove content that is no longer relevant.

Presentation config.php​

The $config['core_path'] value is now obsolete and removed from the file. New installations will not have this variable.

This is the code removed:

// Assumes default location of core.
// These are the system paths and folders for your vBulletin files
// This setting is for where your vbulletin core folder is
$config['core_path'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/core';

Additional Issues​

  • Twitter logins have been converted to use an OAUTH2 implementation.
  • You can now use a new 'Select All' control to choose all tags on the page while viewing the Tag Manager.
  • The URL BBCode and Preview system will no longer try to download large compressed files before adding the link to a post.
  • Custom Node fields no longer appear when editing a reply.
  • Additional Javascript refactors to modernize code and meet current standards.

System Requirements​

Minimum System Requirements

  • PHP Version: 8.0.0
  • MySQL Version: 5.6.10
  • MariaDB Version: 10.0.0
Recommended System Requirements

  • PHP Version: 8.1 or higher
  • MySQL Version: 8.0 or higher
  • MariaDB Version: 10.3+

Third-Party Logins​

  • Google Authentication has been refactored. The routines have been updated to Google's new APIs and use OATH2. Detailed instructions to configure Google Authentication can be found in the core/packages/googlelogin/readme.txt file.
  • Twitter Authentication has been repaired with the current Twitter v2 APIs. However, registration via Twitter Authentication does not work at this time.

RSS Module​

A new RSS Module is available for custom pages. RSS Feeds will be cached between updates. An option is available to specify how frequently a feed is updated. Due to the nature of gathering external data, page rendering can be delayed when the feed is updated. When using many RSS feed modules on the same page, there can be a significant delay when the cache is updated.

URL Previews​

Several issues reported with URL Previews have been corrected:

  • URL Preview Caching will now work correctly.
  • Better image processing has been added for invalid images on some URLs.
  • A memory leak that occurred with many URLs in a post has been resolved.
  • Image scaling has been updated to provide a better presentation.

PHP 8.0+ Required​

With this release , we will no longer support PHP 7.4.X. As of November 28th, 2022, PHP 7.4.X is EOL (End Of Life). Due to this, it is recommended that all customers upgrade to PHP 8.0 or higher as soon as possible.

Install / Upgrade Information​

File Cleanup​

With each version release, some files become obsolete. These files are mainly the Javascript Rollup files which are version stamped. However, occasionally PHP files will be refactored and removed from the distribution package. After upgrading your vBulletin system, you should delete any possible obsolete files. You can obtain more information on why this is needed and instructions on how to do this in this topic in the vBulletin 5 Installs & Upgrades forum.

Files to Delete​

These are files known to be unnecessary in the current version of the software.

  • In the /js directory, delete all files with 572 in their file name.
  • The directory /core/packages/googlelogin/vendor should be deleted.

System Requirements​

Minimum System Requirements

  • PHP Version: 8.0.0
  • MySQL Version: 5.6.10
  • MariaDB Version: 10.0.0
Recommended System Requirements

  • PHP Version: 8.1 or higher
  • MySQL Version: 8.0 or higher
  • MariaDB Version: 10.3+
For more information, see vBulletin Connect System Requirements.

Current Version Support Schedule​

  • Active Version - 5.7.3
  • Security Patch - 5.7.2
  • Security Patch - 5.7.1
  • No Patch Release - 5.7.0 and earlier

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