This mod will allow you to display a custom notice on your forum when members of selected usergroups make a new thread in specific forums. You can choose which forums the notice will be shown in as well as being able to choose which usergroups will see it.
It is a simple installation, just import the product XML, vbm_new_thread_read_me.xml
You can edit the options under the settings, [vBMods] New Thread Read Me Notice
Complete Feature List
Option to disable the mod completely.
Option to enter custom notice text.
Option to choose URL link.
Option to choose link title.
Option to select which usergroups are shown the notice.
Option to select which forum(s) the notice is shown in.
Complete Stylevar List
vbm_new_thread_read_me_background - Change the colour of the background
vbm_new_thread_read_me_border - Chnage the colour of the border
vbm_new_thread_read_me_margin - Change the margins
vbm_new_thread_read_me_text_colour - Change the colour of the message text.
It is a simple installation, just import the product XML, vbm_new_thread_read_me.xml
You can edit the options under the settings, [vBMods] New Thread Read Me Notice
Complete Feature List
Option to disable the mod completely.
Option to enter custom notice text.
Option to choose URL link.
Option to choose link title.
Option to select which usergroups are shown the notice.
Option to select which forum(s) the notice is shown in.
Complete Stylevar List
vbm_new_thread_read_me_background - Change the colour of the background
vbm_new_thread_read_me_border - Chnage the colour of the border
vbm_new_thread_read_me_margin - Change the margins
vbm_new_thread_read_me_text_colour - Change the colour of the message text.
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