Uploader WordPress theme – A complete solution to create and manage your own social community & content sharing website.
Upload, embed or share URLs
Share your favourite posts from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and hundreds of other websites with just a URL or Upload directly from your desktop, tablet & mobile phone
Advanced user management
Built-in user system with social media login, custom dashboard and user friendly design allows users to easily manage their profiles, shared content & followers.
Multiple custom widgets
08 custom widgets to enhance your website content visibility & structure
- Users Widget This widget displays multiple users along with some profile detail.
- Staff Picked Widget This widget displays staff picked feeds
- Advance Posts Widget This widget displays multiple post types and comes with multiple options.
- Radio Widget This widget automatically creats a radio channel based on the audios uploaded by users.
- About Us Widget this widget is designed to add about us section on your website.
- Recent Videos Widget This widget displays most recent videos uploaded by different users.
- Recent Feeds Widget This widget displays most recent feeds uploaded by different users.
- About User Widget This widget is designed to be used on feed detail page to show uploader’s details.
Uploader have many interesting features and some of them are following
- Custom Player Skin This theme comes with personalized custom player skin.
- Advanced Media Queries This theme comes with multiple advanced custom media queries.
- Infinity Post Loading This theme comes with Infinity post loading as a option.
- Custom Email Templates Multiple custom email templates are available in wp-admin.
- Ajax Based Content Filteration This theme offers a Ajax based feeds filteration system.
- Responsive Design This theme is designed and optimized carefully for mobile devices.
Uploader theme works well with the following popular WordPress plugins
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin.
- LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin.
- WPBakery Page Builder Formerly Visual Composer.
- Yoast SEO The #1 WordPress SEO Plugin.
- Contact Form 7 Manage Multiple Contact Forms.
- W3 Total Cache Website speed optimizer plugin.
- MailChimp Signup Form For Your MailChimp List.
- WordPress Social Login Plugin for social login.
Online Documentation & Backend features
We strongly recommend you to visit our online documentation to get better idea that how uploader theme works.
Online Documentation
Test Installation
You can test the functionality on our test installation before purchase
Test URL: http://uploader.extracoding.net
User: [email protected]
Password: testuser