Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder

WP Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.5.120 Nulled

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* Fix: fixed small php bugs
* Fix: categories was invisible in elementor editor free version
* Fix: fixed pagination link click with elementor pro page transition bug
* Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
* Fix: fixed specific post and terms select
Plugin Changes:

* Feature: added option to connect the filters to some specific grid group
* Fix: fixed js run for background output not always happend
* Fix: filters was shown only related to grid taxonomies after changing to "all"
* Fix: returned some tiles gallery images that was missing

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: List (Free) - Implemented 'Open Link in New Tab' option. This new functionality allows users to specify whether links should open in a new tab, providing flexibility in link behavior.
* Feature: Compact Gallery (Free) - Implemented 'Hide Thumbnail Panel Under Width' option. This new functionality allows users to hide the thumbnail panel when the viewport width is below a specified threshold, optimizing the display for smaller screens.
* Feature: Select Dropdown Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Tabs Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Scroll Sequence (Pro) - Added 'Image Horizontal Shift' option, allowing users to adjust the horizontal position of the image for enhanced customization and layout control.
-bug fix: fixed show filters load more
-bug fix: fixed multisource repeater empty
* Change: updated freemius to the latest version
* Fix: fixed remote play / pause button
* Fix: fixed search filter unicode phrase
* Fix: fixed entrance animation appear on scroll
* Feature: added video gallery responsive options
* Fix: fixed some owl carousel size on init bug
* Fix: fixed js widgets under the dynamic grid template like flipbox
version 1.5.35:
-bug fix: fixed include by id's from dynamic field, and terms from dynamic field in post selection
- feature: released the templates catalog
-change: remove the old deprecated codecanyon activation
-bug fix: fixed bug when both plugins are installed together
-bug fix: fixed empty widget content when put a lot of content in the widget html/js
-feature: added option for fonts for post list for intro and content
-feature: added custom filter query ID in posts list query (pro)
-feature: added labels to typography fields
-feature: added description option for elementor controls
-feature: added option to add help links to widgets from the widget
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