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Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder

WP Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.5.141 Nulled

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* Fix: fixed pagination of manual type
* Fix: clear placeholders from the form after send.
* Fix: fixed empty terms override, in post filtering
* Fix: fixed dissapearing fields of ajax search
* Change: Update Freemius
* Fix: Fixed pagination bug
* Feature: added rss features
*Fix: fixed small php bug in date convert function
*Fix: fixed wp_filesystem php bugs
* Fix: attributes edit was blocked
* Fix: php warning in getPermalink function
Plugin Changes:

* Fix: fixed alternate template empty output in dynamic loop
* Fix: fixed hiding taxonomy select in some cases

Widget Changes:

* Feature: Remote Dropdown (Pro) - Added a new option "Update Button Label on Selection" to allow users to display the active item in the dropdown select for better user experience.
* Feature: Woo Product Grid (Pro) - Introduced a new option that allows users to customize and change the position of the Rating element within the layout, providing greater flexibility in design.
* Feature: Taxonomy Terms (Pro) - Added improved hover options for all parent, child, and multi-level terms.
* Feature: Post Grid (Pro) - Added the Align Content option, enabling vertical alignment for content in the Always Overlay layout type.
* Feature: Coverflow Carousel (Pro) - Added Button Type option that allows the use of the Dynamic Post Popup widget.
* Feature: Multi Step Form (Pro) - Added a new option called "Scroll To Top After Step Change," which automatically scrolls the page to the top when navigating between steps in a multi-step form.
* Feature: List (Free) - Added Index Type option with Default / Custom settings. This feature allows users to assign a custom number to each item for greater flexibility.
* Feature: Flip Box (Free) - Expanded the Height option to include additional units, providing more flexibility and customization for various design requirements.
* Feature: Hotspots (Pro) - Added the 'Always Show Tooltip' option to allow users to keep tooltips visible at all times for improved customization.
* Feature: File Field (Pro) - Introduced Multiple Select option to enable selecting multiple files simultaneously.
* Feature: Job Listing (Pro) - Added an option for description toggle, allowing users to 'Show More' or 'Show Less' content.
* Feature: Date Field (Pro) - Added "Icon Type" option with Default and Custom settings, providing flexibility in selecting icon types for the widget.
* Feature: Remote Play Pause (Free) - Added the icon hover icon style option.
* Feature: alternate template for loop builder
* Fix: make the active filters appear inside off canvas filters widget
* Fix: avoid php errors when no db installed for some reason
* Change: allow tags in post intros again
* Fix: fixed some small php security issues from pachstack
* Feature: improve protection against scripts and styles collision between themes and plugins
* Fix: fixed small php bugs
* Fix: categories was invisible in elementor editor free version
* Fix: fixed pagination link click with elementor pro page transition bug
* Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
* Fix: fixed specific post and terms select

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