- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
Trending Topics Page
Trending topics allows you have a page dedicated to your most active threads based on one of the following algorithms:
Replies Per Minute since the thread was created.
Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
Replies+Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
We will add more algorithms as time goes on as we think of more ways to do this.
There is a Trending Topics option group which has controls for filtering the threads that are displayed. You can choose to include threads from only specific nodes, exclude threads with less than x replies, exclude threads with less than x views and also exclude threads older than x days.
XenGallery: Trending Media
Trending Media gives you a page dedicated to your most active media items based on the following algorithms:[/FONT]
Comments on media item per minute since the media item was added.
Views Per Minute since the media item was added.
Ratings Per Minute since the media item was added.
Replies+Views+Comments Per Minute since the media item was added.
This add on comes with a bd Widget Framework widget that can be placed anywhere. You can set multiple widgets and define each one to have different options (the same options that exist for the trending topics page). When the widget is planed in the thread view, it automatically removes the current thread from the list.
Trending topics allows you have a page dedicated to your most active threads based on one of the following algorithms:
Replies Per Minute since the thread was created.
Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
Replies+Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
We will add more algorithms as time goes on as we think of more ways to do this.
There is a Trending Topics option group which has controls for filtering the threads that are displayed. You can choose to include threads from only specific nodes, exclude threads with less than x replies, exclude threads with less than x views and also exclude threads older than x days.
XenGallery: Trending Media
Trending Media gives you a page dedicated to your most active media items based on the following algorithms:[/FONT]
Comments on media item per minute since the media item was added.
Views Per Minute since the media item was added.
Ratings Per Minute since the media item was added.
Replies+Views+Comments Per Minute since the media item was added.

This add on comes with a bd Widget Framework widget that can be placed anywhere. You can set multiple widgets and define each one to have different options (the same options that exist for the trending topics page). When the widget is planed in the thread view, it automatically removes the current thread from the list.