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TMDb Movie Thread Starter

xF1 Add-on TMDb Movie Thread Starter 2.1.13

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An update to the TMDb Movie Thread Starter system has been released. Those that have purchased this mod, please log into your account to download this update.
  • Add - Cron task to update cast for movies.
NOTE: This update is in preparation for upgrades to XF2. If you have any plans of upgrading your site to XenForo 2.0, this will be the minimum required version to update the movie thread starter to XF2.
An update to the TMDb Thread Starter system has been released. Those that have purchased this mod, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Fix - Replace small poster missing hook (accidentally removed in version 2.1.2)
If you are running version 2.1.10, you only need to import the XML with this update.

sergrupLatest member