This plugin allows users to easily create topics about movies and actors and fill them with content automatically.
Requires a free TMDb API key which can be obtained here.
How to Install
Compatible with other ThreadStarter plugins

Other plugins

Requires a free TMDb API key which can be obtained here.
- Users can add movies, series, anime and actors to topics. After attaching the content, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about the chosen content above the post.
- The topic will show the movie poster, cast, trailer, tagline, link to IMDb, rating and much more.
- If topics for actors of a movie exist the movie topic will automatically add a link to that topic.
- Discussed movies and actors can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more...
- Posting content can be restricted to certain forums.
- Movie boards can show movie content with the posters above the topic list.
- Access rights to edit and post content.
- Posting content can also be allowed in clubs.
- API support to search, add and remove content programmatically
How to Install
- Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file.
- ThreadStarter: Core has to be installed for the ThreadStarter plugin to work!
- After installation a free TMDb API key has to be added in the settings. The API key can be obtained here.
Compatible with other ThreadStarter plugins

Other plugins