This Resource is Unsupported - 7/15/2012
The Duke is a black, white and tan Xenforo 1.1.2 Style with a wallpaper.
1. Download the zip file attached and upload the contents of the folder called Upload to your forum root.
2. Go to AdminCP/Styles/Import a Style and Import either The Duke file located in the The Duke by T8L folder.
Both Fluid and Fixed width versions.
Only 25 Style Properties changed.
0 Template Edits.
2 Gradients.
1 Sprite Node Icon PNG file created from Shelley's Squared Node Icon Spritesheet.
The Duke is a black, white and tan Xenforo 1.1.2 Style with a wallpaper.
1. Download the zip file attached and upload the contents of the folder called Upload to your forum root.
2. Go to AdminCP/Styles/Import a Style and Import either The Duke file located in the The Duke by T8L folder.
Both Fluid and Fixed width versions.
Only 25 Style Properties changed.
0 Template Edits.
2 Gradients.
1 Sprite Node Icon PNG file created from Shelley's Squared Node Icon Spritesheet.