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[TaylorJ] Blogs

xF2 Add-on [TaylorJ] Blogs 1.2.3

No permission to download
Bug fixes:
  • Editing a blog no longer creates a new blog with the changes while leaving the original
Bug fixes/Feature
  • Blog posts are now deleted when their respective blog is deleted. Since this was not being handled properly before a new feature in Tools > Rebuild caches has been created "Cleanup blog posts that were not removed on blog deletion". This will go through all blog posts in your database and if it finds one that doesn't have a blog anymore it will delete that blog post. After you run this tool it is required to run the "Rebuild user blog post count totals" cache tool as well to have proper blog post counts displayed.
1.0.0 Gold release is here!

Changes from Release Candidate 2:
  • New error popup for selecting a date/time in the past when scheduling a post
  • Blog options and Permissions have been re-ordered to appear at the bottom of their respective pages to follow standards (no longer at the very top of each page).
This will be the last beta release for this add on as I have now implemented all MVP features that I wanted for a gold release. If any bugs are reported after this release they will be fixed in a Release Candidate, otherwise the next release will be the gold version.

New Features
Draft Posts - Blog posts can now be stored as a draft post and can be saved for until they are ready for the public to see.
Blog Limit - Admins can now set a limit to the number of blogs that can be created. Right now this is a global setting but will see changes over time to make it a on basis user group / user permission.
Minimum XF Version - The addon.json file now defines a minimum XenForo version needed for this addon, which is 2.3.
New Features
  • Comments! - Blog Posts will now automatically create a thread that will serve as the discussion home of a blog post in any forum specified in the blogs settings.
    • All previous blog posts that were created before this release will have threads created for them on upgrade, if this fails I will try to get a hotfix out as soon as possible with a tool added to run this same function from the ACP.
    • For this beta release you will initially need to go into your settings and select a forum even though it looks as if one already is, this will be fixed in the next release.
  • Cover Images - Blog Posts will now take the first attachment inserted into a blog post and use that as the cover image on the blog view!
    • With this new feature the styling for blog posts on the blog page have been changed back to not showing bb code in their snippets to align with how XenForo handles article posts.
  • Sharing! - Blog Posts can now be shared same way that regular posts can.
  • Scheduled Posts
    • Blog Owners now have a separate view for their scheduled posts so that they are not cluttered in with their visible posts.
    • Scheduled Posts can now have their scheduled post time changed

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