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TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam (Free Version)

xF1 Add-on TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam (Free Version) 1.1.5

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updates to the latest versions
whops,doing a bit of claning up and missed this one... no template changes, just a install fix for new installs of fbhp
Fixed an important foolbothoneypot bug found in IE
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Reactions: sudo
  1. TAC AnyApi 1.0.6
  2. TAC AuthCaptha
  3. TAC CustomImgCaptcha - Customise your images for CAPTCHA 2.4.1..
  4. TAC FoolBotHoneyPot - Stop spam bots registering 3.0.16
  5. TAC StopCountrySpam - black/white list country IPs from registering 3.0.03
  6. TAC StopHumanSpam - signature/link/homepage conditions & banned word posts 1.3.7
Not included:
TAC De-Dos - Reduce the effect DOS attacks usually caused by spam bots 2.0.08
includes branded versions:

  1. TAC AnyApi 1.0.6
  2. Tac AuthCaptha 1.0.1.
  3. TAC CustomImgCaptcha - Customise your images for CAPTCHA 2.4.1
  4. TAC FoolBotHoneyPot - Stop spam bots registering 3.0.07
  5. TAC StopCountrySpam - black/white list country IPs from registering 3.0.01
  6. TAC StopHumanSpam - signature/link/homepage conditions & banned word posts 1.3.5
Not included:
TAC De-Dos - Reduce the effect DOS attacks usually caused by spam bots 2.0.08

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