Nulled Scripts Community

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WP Stackable Premium 3.13.13 Nulled

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  • New: Icon Library (Premium feature) – you can now upload custom SVGs and re-use them for the Icon Block! #361 #3317
  • Fixed: Text block: typing in the inspector will no longer escape html entities #3399
  • Fixed: Typing in the middle of an option in the inspector will no longer move the cursor to the end #3396
  • Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.11.0
* Fixed: Improved WordPress 6.6 compatibility and performance #357 #3258
* Fixed: Text block performance #3271
* Fixed: Carousel Block: Aria role errors when using infinite scrolling #3269
* Fixed: Media query shortcuts not working in Custom CSS #3214
* Fixed: Posts Block: Date now follows current website language setting #3241

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