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[SolidMean] ForumBackup

xF1 Add-on [SolidMean] ForumBackup 1.3.01

No permission to download
- Fixed a bug in the admin template that PHP 7.1 was not playing nicely with.
- Fixed a bug with the options not displaying correctly for non-english installations.
- Added option to follow symbolic links in the code backup.
- Increased the maximum number of backup copies from 100 to 9999.
- Added Bzip2 support, See Miscellaneous options tab.
- New cron task to clean up any left over config files. Runs once a month.
- A notice will be displayed in the options if there are any orphaned configuration files. This may indicate that backups are not finishing.

Github updated at:
02/19.2916: Version 1.2.01 (cron task change)
- Fixed issue of cron tasks being rewritten when addon is updated.
This fix includes removing the addons original cron tasks, and replacing them with cron tasks assigned to an unassigned addon. This way,
the cron tasks won't be removed and recreated when the addon is updated. The new cron tasks are removed when the addon is uninstalled.

NOTE: After installation, PLEASE verify that your cron tasks named "ForumBackup / Database" and...

janejhLatest member