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VB4 Social Content Locker PRO 2.1.3 2.1.3 Nulled

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Do you still place social buttons on every page of your website? But visitors don’t like/share your content as often as you would like?
You should give people a reason why they need to click social buttons on your website. Even if people really like your content, website or fanpage, they don’t click the buttons because they don’t worry about you, your benefits or your traffic. It’s not their problem.
But ask people to “pay” with a Like/Tweet/+1 to get access to your content, to get a discount, to download, to read an ending of your article, to watch a video or to view a funny picture. And it will start to work as it should be!
Social Locker is a jQuery plugin that locks your most valuable site content behind a set of social buttons until the visitor likes, shares, +1s or tweets your page. It helps to improve social performance of your website, get more likes/shares, build quality followers and attract more traffic from social networks.
Key Features

  • Take Advantage Of All Popular Social Networks
  • Blur, Make Transparent or Hide Totally Your Content
  • Attention-Grabbing Styles & Effects
  • Fantastic Customizability
  • And Even More Powerful Features…
    • SEO friendly. Your locked content is still visible for search bots for better SEO by default. Of course you can turn off this feature.
    • Optimized For Mobile. We have adapted the plugin for mobile devices. Mobile users can obtain access to your locked content as well as desktop users.
    • Smart Targeting. Set your lockers to display on specific high traffic pages on your website. Show the locker only for non-registered visitors or PC users.
    • Professional Themes. Need to get started fast? Simply pick one of 5 themes and customize, it’s simple and easy!
    • Fast Loading. The plugin is well optimized and doesn’t add extra loads on your website. Confirmed with tests from the P3 plugin and New Relic.

Features List ..
Available Buttons (Available buttons Demo )

  • Facebook Like button
    • Ability to specify Facebook Page to like instead of thread URL. (Pro Only)
    • Ability to specify button title for some themes.
    • Ability to specify like button language.
  • Facebook Share button
    • Ability to specify a custom URL to share instead of thread URL .
    • Ability to specify share button title for some themes.
  • Twitter Tweet button
    • Ability to Specify tweet button title for some themes.
    • Ability to specify a custom URL to tweet instead of thread URL.
    • Ability to specify a Twitter username to tweet via. (Pro Only)
    • Ability to specify default tweet text.
  • Twitter Follow button (Pro Only)
    • Ability to Specify follow button title for some themes. (Pro Only)
    • Ability to specify a Twitter username to follow. (Pro Only)
  • Google Plus button
    • Ability to Specify +1 button title for some themes.
    • Ability to specify a custom URL to +1 instead of thread URL.
  • Google Share Button
    • Ability to Specify Google share button title for some themes.
    • Ability to specify a custom URL to share instead of thread URL.
  • LinkedIn Share Button
    • Ability to Specify LinkedIn button title for some themes.
    • Ability to specify a custom URL to Share instead of thread URL.

Available Themes

Overlap Modes

Helper Tools

  • Ability to enable/disable Highlight Effect .
  • Ability to enable/disable Flip Effect.
  • Ability to use custom CSS themes. (Pro Only) ( example ).
  • Ability to change Locker header Message .
  • Ability to change Locker Message Text .
  • Ability to enable/disable Button Counter.

Managment Options
  • Ability to enable/disable for mobile devices.
  • Ability to force use cookies instead of local storage.
  • Ability to set unlock expiry ( If set, the locker will appear again for the user who unlocked the content after specific interval (in seconds)(ReLock).)
  • Ability to turn on Demo Mode. ( If true, recreates the locker every time after loading a page. )
  • Ability to automatically unlock for thread starter.
  • Ability to automatically unlock for selected usergroups. (Pro Only)
  • Ability to Allow only selected usergroups to use the locker. (Pro Only)

Install Instructions

  • Upload files.
  • Import XML product .

Usage Instructions
  • in your editor you will find a lock icon (
    ) it will create [lock] tag around selected text .

  • This product uses the latest JQuery version - If your style or another mod is JQuery Library , JQuery will be double loaded and will not work you MUST be able to address that .
  • This product puts a footer copyright notice.( PRO Version is Branding Free )


  • The Mod is based on OnePress Social Locker for jQuery

Change Log

  • 1.0.0 - 20-10-2014 initial release 1.0.0
124.5 KB
First release
Last update

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