All you have to do is simply download Sngine again and upload and replace these files:


Note: Only for Cloudflare users, Don’t forget to flush your website cache from Cloudflare
  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Reels Module
  • [Added] Disable Friends System
  • [Added] Push Notifications For Android App
  • [Added] Push Notifications For IOS App
  • [Added] Chat Push Notifications
  • [Added] Chat Privacy (Everyone, Friends, No One)
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Chat Module Completely
  • [Added] Switching Camera in Live Streaming
  • [Added] Show Camera Preview Before Live Streaming
  • [Added] Enhanced Live Streaming Resolution To 720p+
  • [Added] New Mobile UI
  • [Added] Changed The Video Player To Plyr Instead Of Video.JS
  • [Added] Abbreviated Counters
  • [Added] Changed Posts With Map To Interactive Map Instead of Images
  • [Added] Subscription Button In Profile
  • [Added] Subscription Button In Page
  • [Added] Subscription Button In Group
  • [Added] Create Post To Quick Add Menu
  • [Added] Create Live To Quick Add Menu
  • [Added] Wallet Recharge Option Directly With Error Of No Funds Available
  • [Added] Share to Timeline, Pages, Groups Or Events in Share Plugin
  • [Added] Replaced PRO Badge With Icon
  • [Added] Users Approval System
  • [Added] Email Notifications For Users Approval System
  • [Added] Watch Module Showing All Videos
  • [Added] Detect Visitor Country Automatically For Watch Module
  • [Added] Create Products In Pages
  • [Added] Create Products In Groups
  • [Added] Create Products In Events
  • [Added] Search Profile Posts
  • [Added] Search Page Posts
  • [Added] Search Group Posts
  • [Added] Search Event Posts
  • [Added] Country Filter For Pages
  • [Added] Country Filter For Groups
  • [Added] Country Filter For Events
  • [Added] Country Filter For Jobs
  • [Added] Country Filter For Offers
  • [Added] Country Filter For Courses
  • [Added] Country Filter For Blogs
  • [Added] Country Filter For Funding
  • [Added] Yandex Cloud Storage Support
  • [Added] Flutterwave Payment Gateway
  • [Added] NyFatoorah Payment Gateway
  • [Added] Epayco Payment Gateway
  • [Added] Verotel Payment Gateway
  • [Added] Stripe Payment Element
  • [Added] PayPal Payouts Integration
  • [Added] Updated Cashfree APIs To Latest Version
  • [Added] Marketplace Accept Payments Instead Of Wallet Credit
  • [Added] Donate Using Wallet Balance
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Donate Using Wallet Balance On/Off
  • [Added] Static Pages With Redirect URLs
  • [Added] Static Pages Added to Sidebar Menu
  • [Added] Widgets Langauges
  • [Added] Widgets Audience
  • [Added] Points Transactions Log In User Settings
  • [Added] Points/Comment For Post Author
  • [Added] Points/Reaction For Post Author
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Points Monetization
  • [Added] Custom Points System For Each Permissions Groups
  • [Added] Watermark Using Username
  • [Added] Monetization Earnigns In User Settings Page
  • [Added] Paid Post Blurred Preview Image
  • [Added] Subscriptions Post Blurred Preview Image
  • [Added] Paid Post Will Paid Post For Subscribers Too
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Maximum Total Upload Size
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Set Default Privacy For New Users
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Username Changes Off
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Profile Updates Posts (Profile Pictures & Covers)
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Set Maximum Paid Post Price
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Set Maximum Monetization Plan Price
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Download Images
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Mouse Right Click
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Resend Activation Emails
  • [Added] User Can Select Custom User Group While Sign Up
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn User Can Select Custom User Group On/Off
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Show Custom User Group Badge On/Off
  • [Added] Manage Auto Connected Nodes In Getting Started
  • [Added] Detect Visitor Langauge Automatically
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Disable Auto Langauge Automatically
  • [Added] Courses Module
  • [Added] Event Sponsor For System Admins
  • [Added] Pages Business ID
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Pages Business ID On/Off
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Group Invitation System
  • [Fixed] Stripe Recurring Payments Issue
  • [Fixed] Blog Views Counter
  • [Fixed] Hide Market Withdrawal Requests If Cart Disabled
  • [Fixed] Page Info With Reviews Notifcations
  • [Fixed] Login As with Demo Account Bug
  • [Fixed] Settings Page Access With Packages Set As Subscriptions Only
  • [Fixed] LinkedIn Social Login
  • [Fixed] Close Button In Dark Mode
  • [Fixed] MSG91 SMS Issue
  • [Fixed] Video Player In Fullscreen Mode
  • [Fixed] Reset reCAPTCHA after form submission
  • [Fixed] Find People Will Find All Users Now
  • [Fixed] Responsive Images Inside Blogs
- content/themes/default/css/style.css
- content/themes/default/css/style.rtl.css
- content/themes/default/templates/__feeds_post.text.tpl
- content/themes/default/templates/admin.posts.tpl
- content/themes/default/templates/ajax.product.editor.tpl
- bootstrap.php
- includes/class-user.php
- includes/functions.php

We fixed
  • Minor Bugs
  • Login As if unusual login detection enabled
  • Set max quantity in products
  • Add product button disappear if shopping cart disabled
  • Full screen videos
  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Selling Digital Products
  • [Added] Groups Reviews
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Groups Reviews On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Events Reviews
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Events Reviews On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Posts Reviews
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Posts Reviews On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Paid Chat Messages For Monetizations
  • [Added] Paid Audio/Video Calls For Monetizations
  • [Added] Publish Posts Permission To Permissions Groups
  • [Added] Create Jobs Permission To Permissions Groups
  • [Added] Create Offers Permission To Permissions Groups
  • [Added] Users Ability To Publish Jobs
  • [Added] Users Ability To Publish Offers
  • [Added] Post Approval System
  • [Added] Email Notifications For Post Approval System
  • [Added] Email Notifications For Verification Requests
  • [Added] Adult Content Mode
  • [Added] Verification Required For Publishing Posts
  • [Added] Verification Required For Monetization
  • [Added] Verification Required For Adult Content
  • [Added] Payments VAT System
  • [Added] Payments VAT System By User Country
  • [Added] Payments Fees System
  • [Added] Watermark Videos
  • [Added] Combo Post
  • [Added] Affiliates System Working With Bank Transfers
  • [Added] Affiliates Working Recursively With Pro Packages
  • [Added] Original Price To Offers
  • [Added] Multiple Images To Offers
  • [Added] Offers Expire Date Now Optional
  • [Added] CV Attachment To Job Application
  • [Added] Pages Events
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Pages Events On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] List Non-Activated Users in Admin Panel [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] List Users Stats In Admin Panel [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Export To CSV For Users Module [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Clear Compiled Templates From Garbage Collector [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Admin Ability To Turn Market Shopping Cart On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Unique Post Views System [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Login As for Admins Only [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Earnings Dashboard [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Visitors Insights [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] New Landing Page
  • [Added] Updated All Social Media Icons
  • [Added] DigitalOcean Spaces S3 Compatibility
  • [Fixed] Paid Posts Images Viewable While Slide Right/Left
  • [Fixed] Paid Posts OG Tags Issue
  • [Fixed] Fluid Videos Aspect Ration
  • [Fixed] Update lightbox image download link
  • [Fixed] Remove Top Friends From Other Places Than Profile Friends
  • [Fixed] Delete Article Cover Image Issue
  • [Fixed] 2FA When System Turned Off
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Paid Posts Issues
  • [Fixed] Single Photo Comments Count Issue
  • [Fixed] Blocked Recipients In Chatbox
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • Like
Reactions: shreifshama
  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] PayPal Recurring Payments
  • [Added] Stripe Recurring Payments
  • [Added] Paid Posts
  • [Added] Allow Paid Post for Blogs
  • [Added] Posts For Subscribers Only
  • [Added] Allow Subscribers Only for Blogs
  • [Added] Allow Subscribers Only for Live Stream
  • [Added] Subscribers Only On/Off from Edit Post Menu
  • [Added] Free Trial Monetization Plans
  • [Added] Minutes & Hours Monetization Plans
  • [Added] Share Screen Live Streaming
  • [Added] Quick Tips Buttons in Live Posts
  • [Added] Chat Box for Groups
  • [Added] Chat Box for Events
  • [Added] Pages Reviews Module
  • [Added] Earnings Dashboard for Paid Movies System [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Update Factory Reset To Reset System Options [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Garbage Collector for Orphaned Posts Data [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] FFmpeg Video Resolutions [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Videos Fluid Mode [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Disable Genders [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Unsubscribe Pro Package From User’s Settings
  • [Added] Manage Subscriptions From Profile
  • [Added] Manage User’s Subscriptions Privacy From Privacy Settings
  • [Added] User Ability to Share Profile
  • [Added] User Ability to Share Page
  • [Added] User Ability to Share Group
  • [Added] User Ability to Share Event
  • [Added] Hide Videos Tab from Profile if Videos Upload Disabled
  • [Added] Hide Videos Tab from Page if Videos Upload Disabled
  • [Added] Hide Videos Tab from Group if Videos Upload Disabled
  • [Added] Hide Videos Tab from Event if Videos Upload Disabled
  • [Added] Seller Info in the Invoice
  • [Added] Search Option in Mobile View If Enabled
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Emojis Insertion at End of Textarea
  • [Fixed] Buy Now Shows Login Modal for Visitor
  • [Fixed] Permissions Group Delete
  • [Fixed] Delete User Posts When Delete User Account
  • [Fixed] Marketplace Total Price
  • [Fixed] Remove Select Currency From Products
  • [Fixed] Paid Movies For Public Issue
  • [Fixed] Paid Movies Price Issue
  • [Fixed] Muted Videos When Auto-Play Off
  • [Fixed] Scraper m3u8 files Issue
  • [Fixed] Zoom In Mobile Browser While Publish Post|Comment
  • [Fixed] Exclude Banned Users from Newsfeed
  • [Fixed] Stoies Issue
  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Market Purchase Module
  • [Added] Tips To Blogs
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Switch Accounts On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Sngine Login as Social Login
  • [Added] Enable/Disable Reactions [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] SMS Limit/Hour
  • [Added] Wallet Transfer Maximum [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Send Tips in Profiles
  • [Added] User ability to turn Send Tips in his profile On/Off [User Settings]
  • [Added] Tips Button in Pages
  • [Added] Page’s Admin ability to turn Send Tips in his page On/Off [Page Settings]
  • [Added] Products Limits Per Package
  • [Added] Business Tax Info, Address, Website with Pages Verification Requests
  • [Added] Change Profile Cover from Old Photos
  • [Added] Change Page Cover from Old Photos
  • [Added] Change Group Cover from Old Photos
  • [Added] Change Event Cover from Old Photos
  • [Added] Hide Permissions For Disabled Modules in Packages
  • [Added] Enhanced The Search System
  • [Added] Products Tab in Profile Page
  • [Added] Manage Profile Top Photos
  • [Added] Manage Profile Top Friends
  • [Added] Photo Link Copy When Sharing Single Photo
  • [Added] Create Funding from Publisher
  • [Added] Page Description Supports Multiple Lines
  • [Added] Group Description Supports Multiple Lines
  • [Added] Event Description Supports Multiple Lines
  • [Added] Show User’s Marketplace Balance in Admin Panel
  • [Added] Show User’s Funding Balance in Admin Panel
  • [Added] Show User’s Monetization Balance in Admin Panel
  • [Added] Enhanced Articles Tags System
  • [Added] More Zones for Wasabi Settings
  • [Added] Upgrade FontAwesome to v6+
  • [Added] Upgrade Installer Wizard to v5+
  • [Added] Upgrade Updater Wizard to v5+
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Change OG-Image with Video Thumbnail
  • [Fixed] Exclude None-Activated Users From New People
  • [Fixed] Exclude Super Admin From New People
  • [Fixed] Ads for Pages & Groups
  • [Fixed] Noty Notification not Clickable
  • [Fixed] Pro Packages Price Format
  • [Fixed] Profiles/Pages/Groups/Events UI make info first
  • [Fixed] Stories ADS Last More Than 24 Hours
  • [Fixed] Funding Post’s Title Open New Window
  • [Fixed] Change People UI Make Search At Bottom
  • [Fixed] Hide Boosted Pages if Pages Disabled From Sidebar Menu
  • [Fixed] Super Admin Can Change His User Group
  • [Fixed] OneSignal Icon Position Issue
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Cover image position issue
  • [Fixed] DataTables alert issue when edit user in admin panel
  • [Fixed] Critical Security Issues & Thanks to @IlyasMakari (
  • [Fixed] Profile picture when start chat from profile, market, popover …etc
  • [Fixed] Replaced CDN for “Bootstrap” & “tinymce-i18n” with local files (JsDeliver CDN has some issues with some countries)
  • [Fixed] Fixed “Forget Password” link position
  • [Fixed] Admin panel badge text white colors in day mode
  • [Fixed] Stories Issue
  • [Fixed] Fundings Permission
  • Like
Reactions: Silvia
  • [Updated] Documentation
  • [Updated] System Security
  • [Updated] System Optimization
  • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
  • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
  • [Added] Migrate to Bootstrap v5+
  • [Added] New Default Theme
  • [Added] Fluid Design Option
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Fluid Design Option On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Change Icons Colors [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] New Social Login via WordPress
  • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Pages
  • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Groups
  • [Added] Emojis Menu Lazy Loading
  • [Added] MoneyPoolsCash Automatic Withdrawal Payments
  • [Added] Movies Pay Per View Module
  • [Added] Switch Accounts
  • [Added] Share Stories As Ads
  • [Added] Videos Categories
  • [Added] Manage Videos Categories [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage Custom Users Groups [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Manage Permissions Groupss [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Permissions Groups [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Videos Categories Access [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Blogs Categories Access [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Admin ability to turn Verification Docs On/Off [Admin Panel]
  • [Added] Make “Boosted” Posts Visible To Website Visitors
  • [Added] Uploads Permission for Non-Logged In Users
  • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
  • [Fixed] Games Genres Issue
  • [Fixed] Publisher Privacy Dropdown Menu in Mobile
  • [Fixed] Video Player Aspect Ratio
  • [Fixed] Stripe with JPY currency
  • [Fixed] Backup contains content\backups folder
  • [Fixed] Facebook Embed Responsive Issue
  • Like
Reactions: Will-Chatten
If you are running version V3.8 then all you have to do is replace all the files from the folder named
V3.8 Patch 3 Update Fles
tibyasLatest member