We have a long road-map ahead for improvements and more features. All future updates are free for you to download once released on wrapbootstrap.com.
Theme features:
- Comes with the latest Bootstrap 4.x UI Toolkit and all its improved features
- Futuristic design and UI concept
- Over 35 Layout Variations and 285 layout combinations . Mix and match layout options to create endless possibilities
- Change few variables to generate your unique skin
- Layout settings are automatically stored to localStorage. You can also push these settings to your database
- Documentation, well descriptive codes, and email support are included
- Includes various flavours, such as HTML, ASP.NET Core 2.2, Angular (coming soon), Vue.js (coming soon), React (coming soon), and many other variations to be added.
- All bootstrap components have been modified using 'non-destructive' method. You can change every aspect of the theme using variables.
- The theme also features unique custom components that work flawlessly with bootstrap's core components.
- All fonts and components uses REM values as opposed vs the PX outdated value. REM values gives you better control over your app's responsive behavior
- Comes with over 2500+ premium Icons. FontAwesome Pro 5, a whopping $35 value, included with your purchase
- Create your own stack icons with our built-in unique Icon Generator
- The Table Generator provides you with an option to generate your unique table style.
- All plugins are detachable. The plugins are separated based on importance and is not hard-coded to its core. Please see plugins page for more details.
- i18n ready. The plugin is lazy-loaded using ajax to pull in any local files.
- It has a heart and it beats. SmartAdmin comes with its own app.config.js file which can be customize to your fitting.
- Supports the latest version of Datatables.
- Added in our very own customized Datatable Alt-Editor
- Supports all the latest chart plugins available on the market. All our Chart libraries are MIT based: Flot, Chart.js, Chartist.js, C3 Charts, Peity, Sparkline, Easy Pie Chart, and Dygraphs
- Exclusive SmartPanel plugin lets you drag and drop panel position, change color, change state, refresh panels and a lot more, while utilizing localStorage to save all changes.
- Many page views, we will update continuously
- All pages are print friendly
- Free updates for the life of the theme
- HTML Demo version (BS4)
- HTML Seed (BS4)
- ASP.Net Core 2.2 Seed (BS4)
- React Seed (coming soon)
- Angular Seed (coming soon)
- Vue.js Seed (coming soon)
- PHP Seed (coming soon)
Demo :
SmartAdmin - Responsive WebApp by MyOrange | WrapBootstrap
SmartAdmin - WebApp v4.0 (Reborn) SmartAdmin WebApp - goes beyond the ordinary admin template. Its unique flat design and responsive layout is crafted one of a kind. SmartAdmin has a vast collection o