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Smart Notification

WP Smart Notification 9.2.72 Nulled

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  • Support platforms IOS/Android/Windows 10/Windows Phone 8,8.1/BlackBerry 10/Chrome/Safari/Firefox
  • Awesome Geo-fence capabilities and auto Geo-fence messages to send any device automatically when it located in a selected area
  • Support BuddyPress, wooCommerce and bbPress auto events and a powerful tool to detect and create any custom event for Wordpress
  • Send messages to user groups
  • Integrate with Ultimate Membership Pro
  • Support localization so you can now download .PO file to translate it into your language
  • Send push notification messages in a server cron-job or fancy instant sending
  • Send desktop push notification messages for Chrome/Safari/Firefox
  • 3 different ways to request the push permissions from visitors popup box, icon or native-opt-in window
  • Delay time for showing the request of push permissions method
  • Popup box and icon different screen positions
  • Option to show the request of push permissions for logged and admin users only or special parts of your site
  • Pay to read to force visitors subscribing in your push notification service to continue reading your contents
  • Visual statistics for every campaign
  • Visual statistics for all campaigns and all system progress
  • Detect and track GPS locaion for your visitors
  • Send scheduled push notification messages with repeater times
  • Support Wordpress widget to make your visitors subscribing in your desktop push with channels options
  • Meta box to mute the push notification message or choose delivers to a certain channels
  • Plugin can send push notification when some optional events happened:
  • - Notify all users when administrator published a new post and option to send the notification to users which subscribed in channels equivalent to the post category
    - Notify author when administrator approved and published his post
    - Notify author when administrator approved on his comment
    - Notify author when a new comment added on his post
    - Notify user when another one comment on his comment
    - Notify all users subscribed in a post when got a new updates
  • Mobile payload builder in the event manager
  • Edit push notification event messages before sent using the Wordpress Filters
  • RTL style supported
  • Feedback service to IOS/Android to find and deactivate the invalid devices (i.e. Devices that uninstall your app)
  • Give you a detailed report after sending operation is done
  • Powerful panel to manage your registered devices token
  • Powerful dashboard to send messages
  • Archive for sent messages
  • Smart tool to remove the duplicate tokens data
  • Insert the device tokens data and prepare to send in queue system
  • Connect and send the messages in queue system which prevents any overloads on server
  • Pause/Resume preparing and sending operation at any time
  • Send 1 million message in 20 minutes (Tested on Hostgator shared hosting Hatchling package)
  • Send iOS messages with custom Badge, Sound, Lock-key and Image
  • Very easy to setup, Very easy to use
  • Reconnecting automatically if happened any errors like push servers is not responding
  • Send extra values with your message in JSON or normal form (i.e. Used from developers to send values like item ID, URL top open etc.)
  • Handling any errors from servers while sending operation like:
    Server is not responding or unavailable for this moment and there is ability to reconnect automatically
    If there is any problem with Google API key
    If the size of message greater than the allowed size from Google
    If Apple refuse the certification file and the password phrase
    If Apple send error to refuse the payload size
    Give you error if there are some functions your server does not support them
  • Connect and read the device token values from any custom table at any Localhost/Remote database
  • Connect with multi database in the same time
  • Categorize the subscribers by using the channels system
  • Processing the text message for sending as much as possible number of characters
  • Smart to cut your message if it exceeds the allowed size from Apple
  • Wonderful easy panel for watching and processing the sending operation
  • Watch instant log while sending push messages that informs you the connection status, server responding and any errors related to the sending operation
  • Support BuddyPress push notification
  • Support wooCommerce push notification
  • Support bbPress push notification
12.1 MB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Version 9.2.72- 07/02/2020

    -Bugs: Fixed bug for the old TinyMCE editor. -Bugs: Fixed minor bugs.
  2. Version 8.4.84- 07/19/2019

    -Bugs: Fixed welcome message target link.
  3. Version 7.8.1 - 11/14/2018

    -Bugs: Minor bugs fixed. Version 7.8 - 10/15/2018 -New Feature: Customize event manager...

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