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Slider responsive - ThemesCorp

xF1 Add-on Slider responsive - ThemesCorp 2.0.0

No permission to download
The add-on has been completely recoded !

ATTENTION: With this new version (2.0.0), you can not update the add-on, you must uninstall version 1.x (.xml and files)

After unsinstall (.xml and files) the old version (1.x), you can uploaded the new files and import the new .xml (Don't forget to enable the permission) ;)

PS: Don't forget to save your images!

Example to responsive:

In this new version, we added a Slider in the sidebar!
It is independent from the other slider, what allows you to show different images in the slider Sidebar that in the Slider above the forums.

There are transitions effects between each image ;)

- Slider (Above forum list): 12 images available
- Slider (Sidebar): 10 images available

So there are two different Slider, one above forum list (with 2 possible locations), and one in the sidebar.

For the above forum list type, you have 2 choices of locations, one just above the Forums List and one which will take the total width of the forum which will be placed below the navigation bar. (Look Screen)

A Usergroup permission allows you to set who can see the Slider Responsive.

You can display the slider only on Forum List or on All Pages

There are 2 types of loader:
- Pie (cercle)
- Bar

We have created style properties that allow you to easily customize the wrapper of sliders!

For the Slider sidebar, you have two different views:
- With title and wrapper
- Without title and wrapper

To simplify use, we add tabs in the add-on options in order to easily edit each image.

For each image, you can:
- Enable image
- Add url image
- Add Caption
- Add link (with option for open link in new window)

Features for each slide (Slider Sidebar / Slider Forum List):
- Height
- Time between images
- Transition Times
- Caption opacity
- Alignment
- Loader








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