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Script Shopist 3.0.0 Nulled

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56265 • 📀 Resources: 5960

hopist | Laravel Multivendor eCommerce, CMS and Designer
Shopist is very easy eCommerce for the laravel framework. It has powerfull multivendor system and products designer also. User will able to design using this feature. Build on laravel and Bootstrap.

  1. REST API included API DOC
  2. Build with php framework laravel
  3. Its responsive design
  4. Bootstrap 4 based
  5. 4 dynamic header styles
  6. Mega and sidebar menu
  7. Dynamic Multi languages
  8. Included CMS ( dynamic page create, blog, testimonial, manufacturers)
  9. Dynamic SEO
  10. 4 product types ( simple, configurable, customizable, digital/downloadable)
  11. Manage product inventory system
  12. Up sells and Cross sells products
  13. Specific pages SEO system
  14. Product compare system
  15. Product dynamic reviews system
  16. Product video system
  17. Dynamic awesome reporting system
  18. Multi vendor system
  19. Dynamic shipping (Flat Rate, Free shipping, Local Delivery)
  20. Dynamic Payment (Direct bank transfer, Cash on delivery, Paypal, Stripe, 2Checkout)
  21. Custom Product designer
  22. Coupon manager
  23. Guest and Login user checkout system
  24. Included Google Recaptcha system for login restriction
  25. Mobile SMS system for admin (Nexmo)
  26. Two types currency converter (Custom and Fixer system)
  27. Dynamic Templating system
  28. Dynamic and Drag & drop header menu system
  29. Email system (Admin order, New order, Cancelled order, Processing order, Completed order, User new account, Vendor new account, Vendor activation, Withdraw request, Withdraw cancelled, Withdraw completed etc..)
  30. Requested product system
  31. Two types subscriptions (Custom and Mailchimp) system
  32. Dynamic Wishlist system
  33. Two dynamic Mini Cart system
  34. and so more ecommerce features…
22.6 MB
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