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Sequential Stickies

xF2 Add-on Sequential Stickies 1.0.1

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
Apply desired sequence to sticky threads...

This add-on does not alter any Xenforo tables and so can easily be intalled on large forums.

Once installed you will see an additional input box next to the Sticky option when creating or editing a thread.
You may override the default sticky thread display order by giving it a value starting with 1 (one) which would place it at the very top of the list.
Having it set to 0 (zero) means the thread will have the default display order (newest post date).
  • Sequenced sticky threads will display first in ascending order, then any default stickies will display as usual.
  • If a sequenced sticky thread is moved, it will keep its display order in the target forum.
  • If a sequenced sticky thread is merged, the target thread will NOT inherit the source thread display order as that would cause the target sticky to randomly move up or down the list.
  • If the add-on is disabled, when it is enabled again, any orphaned sticky thread references get removed.
18.8 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.0.1

    Removed integer type declaration to ensure compatibility with PHP 5

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