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WP Ritca 2015-10-08 Nulled

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Ritca is a personal Blog/Magazine WordPress Theme,that is perfect choice for personal, WooCommerce shop ,corporate, personal Blog and Magazine blogs. Ritca support 100% Responsive design and provides Powerful Page Builder with many features like: Mega menu ,Slider ,RTL,Post-Types, Social share integration,custom page template, and much more.

Features :-

  1. Mega Menus Integration – Home-grown mega menu to give your main navigation area a lot more style functionality. No additional plugins required.

  2. 20+ Layouts Options – Create, dynamic, handsome layouts (from traditional layouts, to 7+ layouts, to sliders) using Ritca and extended.

  3. Responsive design – Your website will look perfect on mobile phones and tablets

  4. Powerful Color Schemes – Create your own colour scheme, with a click ,Ritca provided you unlimited color option.

  5. Powerful Page Builder – Generate stylish , unique content with a simple user-friendly page builder, and without needing to know a hint of HTML

  6. Extensive customization options – A modern design that complete change your blog layout .

  7. Unlimited Sidebars – Need a completely different set of sidebar widgets for individual pages/posts? It’s easy, and no additional plugins are required.

  8. Branding Options – Upload your own logo or use Google Web fonts along with unlimited color choices and text shadows.

  9. Google Fonts – Hundreds Plus Google fonts to choose and design your website.

  10. 25+ Custom Widgets – From standard advertisement sizes to Facebook “Like” buttons, Twitter ,login so more are ready.

  11. Localization support – Make your blog in own language using the included .po/.mo files

  12. User-friendly Documentation – Because you shouldn’t have to be a rocket scientist to operate your website.

  13. WooCommerce integration – As simple you can create yours shop store with a click.
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