Rezervy helps you to handle Categories-Services-Add-ons, SEO meta tags, Compatible with Strict Mode , Coupon discount, Recurring discounts, Tax/ Vat / GST, Multi-currency supported, One page & StepView Checkout, Easy and smooth Admin panel, Customer panel, Staff panel, Registered and Guest User Checkout, Auto Confirm Appointments, Weekly Schedule, Working & Off days management, Registered and Guest Customers listing with booked appointment details, Payment details, Export all bookings, Customer information , Payment information and services information, Support tickets, feedbacks, Fully Responsive & much more we adding.
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Rezervy Features
- Powerful Online Booking Script
- Rezervy is your business appointments solution.
- Compatible with Strict Mode of MYSQL servers
- Categories-Services-Add-ons
- Add categories and its services. Add addons for services
- Manage categories-services-Add-ons status to show on frontend
- Manage price of each Add-ons
- Ajax based operations
- Step View checkout
- One page checkout
- One page checkout is the way you fall in love with it.
- One page checkout is faster and easier so that more customers convert.
- Support Tickets
- Embed Code
- Booking Padding Time Before for Particular Service.
- Booking Padding Time After for Particular Service.
- Service Duration.
- Service booking with and without addons, Service booking without price.
- Service Availability Schedule.
- Multi Langual.
- Manageable Booking Form Fields.
- Manageable Welcome Text Before Booking Form.
- Manageable Color and Background Image Of Booking Form
- Manual Booking
- Fully Responsive & Compatible with any Browser
- Rezervy is fully responsive and its designed in such way that it looks great with every devices and is accessible on all devices
- Export CSV Reports
- Export CSV Reports of Appointments
- Export CSV Reports of Services
- Export CSV Reports of Customers
- Export CSV Reports of Payments
- Manageable schedule
- Manage your business schedule to make your business more effective.
- Coupon discount
- Manage coupons/promocodes to fulfill your customers.
- Coupons/promocodes per customers.
- Recurring discounts
- Make your business grown with your recurring customers using recurring discounts.
- SEO Ready
- Rezervy let you manage SEO meta and og tags, image, description, etc.
- Rezervy provides to keep track on your site using google analytics tracking.
- Guest User Checkout
- Guest user checkout is super fast and convenient for new customers on your book appointment page.
- Manageable status of guest user visibily on frontend.
- Tax/Vat/GST
- Rezervy provides you manage easy fast auto calculation of tax/vat/GST at the checkout time from book appointment page.
- Multi-currency supported
- Support almost 250+ country’s currencies.
- Easy and smooth Admin panel
- Easy and smooth Admin panel for customers, business owner, staff.
- Working & Off days management
- Rezervy let you manage your business’s working off days for booking schedule.
- Installation instruction page and setup instructions modal provided with each configuration to make Rezervy more easy
- Pay Manually, Paypal, Stripe,, 2Checkout Payment Gateway On Checkout
- Twilio, Plivo, Nexmo & TextLocal SMS gateway for Notifications
- Email & SMS Notifications
- Manageable Email & SMS templates
- Block Off Days management
- Affiliate Referral Based Marketing System
- Refund Payment Of Cancel/Reject Booking
- Date & Time Selection Inline Calendar For Front & Manual Booking Page
- Booking Service End Time Selection For Customer
- Manageable Refund Amount Flat/Percentage Value
- Ability to Enable/Disable Single Category & Service Auto Trigger
- Location/Zipcode Selector On Booking Form
- Ability to enable/disable Location/Zipcode Selector
- Manageable Refund Request Buffer Time
- Manageable Refund Policy
- Manageable Referral Amount Flat/Percentage Value
- Referral Discount Coupons For Each Customer
- Sharing Section For Referral Code
- Rating & Review For Each Appointment
- Seprate Sign Up Form For Customers
- Ability To Set Minimum & Maximum Advance Booking Time
- Ability To Set TimeZone
- Ability to set Maximum End Time Slot Limit.
- Ability to enable/disable location selector.
- Staff feature.
- Staff dashboard.
- Add/Edit/Delete staff.
- Schedule/Offdays/Breaks for staff.
- Staff linking with services.
- Manageable staff email/sms notifications templates.
- Manageable forgot password email/sms template.
- Manageable reset password email/sms template.