
WP Reviews 4.9 Nulled

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Reviews is complete system for reviewing products and services so user can have feedback about product / service they wish to purchase. You are able to create as many reviews as you want and to do make grades for as many criteria as you like. Once you publish the reviews users are able to give they feedback separately and to rate product / service by the same criteria you have used. Theme stores reviews separately of the user and author.


  • Author review
  • Guest review – NEW
  • RTL – NEW
  • Register Terms & Conditions – NEW
  • Unlimited grades
  • Call To Action external link NEW
  • List of stores where to buy NEW
  • Unlimited content tabs
  • Gallery
  • Slider
  • User ratings
  • Counting visits to reviews – NEW
  • Slug rewrites – NEW
  • Mega Menu
  • Responsive
  • One click demo install
  • Two types of boxes
  • Criteria per category NEW
  • Change user ratings NEW
  • Widgets:
    • Recent posts
    • Recent comments
    • Top authors
    • Social networks
    • Newsletter subscription
    • Reviews
      • By user rating
      • By author rating
      • By title
      • By date
      • By most rated
      • By visits NEW
    • Reviews categories
    • Reviews banner
    • Reviews top author
    • Reviews social follow
  • Page Templates:
    • Page with left sidebar
    • Page with right sidebar
    • Full width page
    • Contact page
    • All categories page
    • Register and login page
    • Recover password page
    • Search page
  • Google rich snippet
  • Advanced search
  • Social login
  • Lazy load of images NEW
  • Quick search accross pages NEW
  • Quick search with AJAX suggestion NEW
  • Home page slider
  • Shortcodes:
    • Accordion
    • Alert
    • Banner
    • Button
    • Categories list
    • Column
    • Gallery
    • Gap
    • Icon
    • Label
    • Latest blogs
    • Reviews for mega menu
    • Progress bar
    • Mega menu products
      • By date
      • By author rating
      • By use rating
      • By visits NEW
    • Reviews
      • Latest
      • By category NEW
      • Top rated by author
      • Top rated by users
      • Most reviewed
      • Random NEW
    • Row
    • Tabs
    • Title
    • Toggle
  • 600+ google fonts
  • Unlimited colors
  • MailChimp newsletter
  • Flat design
  • Organized options
  • Social share reviews and posts
  • Demo content included
  • Redux options
  • Detailed documentation
  • Easy user avatars
  • Easy table creation
  • Easy reviews management
  • Much more…
3.6 MB
First release
Last update

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