Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World

QuickAI OpenAI

Script QuickAI OpenAI 4.6 Nulled

No permission to download
* Added - ChatGPT 4 Turbo Model
* Added - Dall-E 3 Image Model
* Added - New image sizes for Dall-E 3
* Fixed - A few issues
* Added - Chatbot training with a JSON file
* Added - Text translation feature for text-to-speech (translate the text in selected language before converting to speech)
* Added - Newsletter form on the home page
* Added - Option to disable the payment proof for wire transfer
* Fixed - A few issues
* Added - Templates translation feature
* Added - Chatbots translation feature
* Added - GDPR user account delete feature
* Added - Private plans (admin can assign inactive plans to the users)
* Fixed - A few issues
* Fixed - Issues with Coinbase, Mecadopago and Paddle
* Fixed - A few issues
* Added - Coinbase Crypto Payment Gateway
* Added - Paddle Payment Gateway
* Added - Mercadopago Payment Gateway
* Added - Option to change position of payment gateways
* Added - Option to disable FAQs
* Added - Language selector for Speech-to-text
* Improved - Update Sitemap
* Fixed - A few issues
* Added - Option to disable the registration process
* Added - Full-screen mode on frontend
* Improved - Paytabs payment gateway for global use
* Fixed - A few issues
Installation guide

1- Extract the Script in the Root Directory of the Site -

2 - Import the Site Database - DataBase.sql

3 - Edit the ia_options Table - Line 223

With your website URL.

4 - In the Root Directory, Access the Folder - includes and then

Open File - config.php

Edit the Data for your Database!!

5 - Access the Site as Admin

User: [email protected]
Password: blitergpl
* Fixed - A minor issue

Installation guide

1- Extract the Script in the Root Directory of the Site -

2 - Import the Site Database - DataBase.sql

3 - Edit the ia_options Table - Line 223

With your website URL.

4 - In the Root Directory, Access the Folder - includes and then

Open File - config.php

Edit the Data for your Database!!

5 - Access the Site as Admin

User: [email protected]
Password: blitergpl


Version 3.2.2 has already been tested on Hostinger and works perfectly.. According to the available manual...

Unfortunately, if you use another hosting, I can't do anything. Support is only with the product developer.

nilkoLatest member