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xF1 Style Quark

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Hi everyone,

This version of UI.X is ONLY compatible with XenForo 1.5.9 and up. Read why here:

Please disable the add-on before upgrade or you will see error messages.

Note: this version requires the latest update to the UI.X add-on version 1.0.12a. The add-on can be downloaded from your customer area at

We also offer installation ($15) and upgrades (starting at $99 - but if you set it up properly its free because its just one click) for those who would rather we take care of it for you. Any major issues will be fixed and we'll set it up so you only have to click a button moving forward.

If you want to do this yourself, here are the steps for installation and upgrading. We highly recommend testing any theme you buy or product locally before trying it out on your live board.

Installation instructions:
  1. First, you will need to go to and login to your customer area.
  2. Go to your license for whichever product you've purchased. Click 'Download UI.X Add-on'. This add-on is used for functionality purposes as well as downloading the theme itself. This add-on is required.
  3. After downloading, extract the .zip files somewhere, and upload the contents of /upload/ to your XenForo root directory
  4. Grab the .xml file in that extracted .zip and install it via the ACP add-on manager.
  5. Once the add-on is installed, go back to your customer area and generate an API key.
  6. Once this is done, you can go to Appearance > UI.X > Styles (in your sidebar) and you should see the product you purchased with an install button next to it. Click that.
  7. There will be some options. Follow the instructions to install automatically (note that you may be prompted toCHMOD your directories). You may also install manually, there are instructions in this area under a tab called 'Install manually'.
  8. If you ever get stuck, we are a ticket away!

Upgrading instructions:
  1. First, and foremost, make a backup of your theme. A backup of your site as a whole is never a bad idea either especially if you are going to production board
  2. Second, disable the UI.X Add-on. This will cause some PHP errors if you are missing tables, so its best to just disable it. If you do accidentally forget, you must add $config['enableListeners'] = 0; to your library/config.php file, then start back at step 2.
  3. Download the latest version of the add-on, located in your downloads area as a green button
  4. Upload the contents of the /upload/ folder within that extracted zip folder to your root XenForo directory
  5. After that has finished, go into your XenForo ACP and click on the UI.X add-on. You will get a modal that says upgrade add-on. Browse for the .xml of the add-on that was in the .zip file and continue
  6. After that has finished, you can choose if you want to update the theme via the add-on or manually. We recommend doing it automatically so that is how we will continue in step 7.
  7. If you go to Appearance, on the sidebar you'll see UI.X > Styles. Click Update next to the style you want to update, or you can install fresh here as well.
After upgrading has finished, you may need to run through and change a few style properties or merge some templates. If you get stuck WE ARE HERE TO HELP. We want your site to be working properly and for you to love the final result. Post in the thread or create a ticket at! :)

UI.X must be considered a software sitting within XenForo, especially days after a major release. So it must be tested. In fact, if you are uncomfortable, wait a few days for those who are fine beta testing to run through and find some bugs.

  1. Nobita kun add-on conflict
  2. Issue with posts and sticky offset
  3. Clicking on a navtab as the dropdown is unfurling will not navigate you to the tab's link
  4. Content wrapper style reverted back to default
  5. "Stretch Content Container" setting reverted itself
  6. Removed extra padding on login modal
  7. Bug fix with hashes containing an equals sign
  8. Reduced incompatibility with TinyMCE Add-on
  9. Reduced size of compiled templates to be less than 1MB

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post in the thread!
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