Push Notification Improvements

xF2 Add-on Push Notification Improvements 2.0.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2

Push Notification Improvements for Xenforo overhauls the default push opt-in panel and adds handy new settings.

Push notifications can be a useful tool to promote engagement and activity on your forum. However, Xenforo lacks a more modernized opt-in typically seen on the web today. Further, the Xenforo push notice does not enable push notifications right from the popup - but rather requires your users to manually enable push features from their accounts page. Who wants to do that?

This addon was created with the goal of converting more users to opt into using push, without the extra steps.


This addon replaces the opt-in panel with a new stylish popup with one-click push signup, optional logo and four total positions! This way, your push popup will look more closely like what we expect on the web, and makes signing up fast and easy!

Possible new positions:
  • Fixed top
  • Floating top
  • Fixed bottom
  • Floating bottom
  • Enable custom stylish popup (or, use the old version!)
  • Display you logo (optional)
  • Choose from various sources for your logo - such as the standard board logo, 256px or 512px badge logos, Push badge, or use a custom image path!
  • Allow one-click Approve or Deny
  • Choose whether to ask again when dismissing the notice
  • Show success message after enabling push notifications
  • Style properties to customize your opt-in popups!
  • Add custom CSS
  • Change the button class for each of the popup options: Deny button, Approve button, "Ask another time" link
  • Works great with UI.X and looks fantastic in Nulumia themes


Q: Where do I find the settings?
A. The addon settings are included at Admin -> Options -> User alerts and notifications

Q: Where can I customize the styling?
A. You can edit styling at Admin -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> [Nulumia] Push Notification Improvements

Q: Any advice on the logo?
A. It's recommended to change the logo source to either the 512px badge or the Push badge, set in Admin -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Basic options

Q: How do I change the wording for "Site name would like to send you push notifications"?
A: You can change this by editing the phrase under Admin -> Appearance -> Phrases:
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First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. [OzzModz] Push Notification Improvements for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.0

    Initial release under OzzModz. Changed name, developer info and links to reflect OzzModz...

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