Nulled Scripts Community

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WP Pinkmart 4.6.2 Nulled

No permission to download
1. Added: buy now feature
2. Fixed: some php warning notices in php 8.3
3. Fixed: fatal error due to yith wishlist plugin upgrade
4. Fixed: fatal error while using stock availability bar option in some cases
5. Fixed: swatches issue in some rtl languages
6. Imporved: wooCommerce 9.4.2 compatibility checked
1. Improvement: compatibility check with WooCommerce 9.3.3
2. Fixed: mini cart widget in header does not work properly in some cased
3. Fixed: an issue with height of recently viewed products in single product page fixed
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs
1. Fixed: Removing the Elementor waypoint library caused our script not to load properly
2. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.
1. Fixed: Issues with the Off-canvas Filterbar scrolling and displaying filters.
2. Fixed: Occasional problems with opening the Off-canvas cart bar.
3. Fixed: Issue where adding a variation product to the cart sometimes mistakenly cleared the entire cart.
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.
1. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2.2
2. Fixed: read more reloads repeated posts issue on blog posts page
3. Fixed: double compare button in single product page issue
4. Fixed: some PHP warning notice
5. Fixed: some minor CSS bugs

tylekeobooLatest member