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PHP Form Builder

Script PHP Form Builder 6.1 Nulled

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- upgrade PowerLite PDO to the latest version
Bug Fix:
- fix the PHP validator's 'required' validation with "0" string values
- disable the floating labels in the date input fields
Bug Fix:
- fix email sending with BCC
- fix a cross-browser bug with the floating-labels plugin
- fix the plugins URL detection with symlinks
- fix php 'required' validation on empty strings
- fix a type error in validator::hasPattern()
- fix PHP composer error with PHP < 8.2
- fix types error with php < 8.0
- fix floating labels position in Modal forms
- disable the floating labels in tinymce textareas
New Features:
- add the code for Recaptcha to be properly loaded in Ajax forms
- add php type hinting and enable PHP strict_types
- fix PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings
- review PHP Standard compliance with PHPCS and PHPCBS - Standard:pHPCompatibility 7.4-8.3
- add SQL group_by clause in DB->select() '$extras' argument
- update the Signature Pad plugin to the latest version (v4.1.6)
- add the 'data-height' attribute to the Signature Pad input
Bug Fix:
- repair the database getLastInsertId() function
- fix "update" queries using the same fieldname in both values and where clause
- fix Deprecated error in class.fileuploader.php
New Features:
- Support of different RDBMS with PDO drivers (MySQL/MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebird)
- add new functions to the database PDO wrapper: Ultimate MySQL PDO Database Class for PHP
- Improve Dependent fields events management & performance
- handle required fields validation inside nested dependent fields
Bug Fix:
- The events on inputs with the Pretty checkbox plugin enabled will now work as expected
- update the Passfield plugin to solve a Popover bug with the latest Bootstrap
- memorization of the 'inline' checkbox/radio value in the drag & drop form builder
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