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Script PassHub 1.1.0 Nulled

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56264 • 📀 Resources: 5960

Features in Detail

  • Responsive Material Design
    Enjoy an attractive and usable interface based on Google’s material design standards. Compatible with smartphones, tablets, and desktop.
  • Secure user passwords
    User accounts created to access PassHub have their passwords securely hashed
  • Secure login storage
    Logins stored inside PassHub have all fields securely encrypted using a unique key
  • Custom Permissions (NEW)
    Create and assign groups to users, each with custom access permissions to pages and categories.
  • Private “My Logins” Category
    Each user gets their own private “My Logins” category which is not viewable by other users.
  • Categories
    Create categories and assign logins to them
  • Live Search
    Find the right login quickly by keyword, category, or both
  • Copy to clipboard
    On modern browsers, simply click a field to copy its value to clipboard
  • Multiple field types
    Store any text content in a login by creating fields with either text, textarea, or password field types
  • CSV Export (NEW)
    Export all login data as a backup copy
  • Updater (NEW)
    Upgrade existing 1.0.X installations to 1.1.0
  • Well documented code
    Code uses DocBlocks for all classes and methods, and is heavily commented.

  • Built with the Fat Free Framework
  • Object-oriented code
  • Protected against XSS and CSRF attacks
  • Meets PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard and PSR-2 Coding Style Guide to ensure a high level of technical interoperability between shared PHP code.
  • Meets PSR-4 autoloader requirements.
Web Hosting Requirements

In order for PassHub to work correctly, your web hosting must meet these requirements:
  • Apache web server
  • PHP version 5.4 or greater—check your web hosting control panel for a PHP version switcher if it doesn’t meet this requirement, or contact your web host to upgrade
  • MySQL version 5.5 or greater
Also, I highly recommend you install a SSL certificate and access PassHub only through https:// instead of http://. Otherwise, your login info could be sniffed out by a malicious third party. SSL encrypts information sent to and from your web hosting, so your data is protected from third parties. Contact your web host to install one.

Demo :

PassHub - online password manager
4 MB
First release
Last update

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