Nulled Scripts Community

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WP PageBolt 2.1.1 Nulled

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UiCore Framework 5.1.1
NEW - PHP filter to add custom attributes to header cta
NEW - PHP filter to remove theme version from console log
FIX - Fixed issue with blog post animations
FIX - Fixed mobile menu scroll bug
FIX - Fixed issue with Elementor spacer size
FIX - Reduced blog titles spacing

UiCore Elements 1.0.10
UPD - Changed Icon Box Widget content padding to not impact images if set as full width
UPD - Added ‘px’ option to Testimonial Widget’s avatar size, allowing small avatars to fit better
UPD - Turned Icon List Widget ‘Vertical Alignment Offset’ option responsive
UPD - Turned Form Widgets field padding option responsive
FIX - Disabled autocomplete on honeypot fields on form Widgets, preventing browsers from adding data and blocking form submission
FIX - Fixed Carousel/Slide widgets mobile overflow bug
FIX - Fixed Icon List Widget bug where Icons sometimes had different sizes

AdeusiLatest member