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[OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates 2.0.2

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
This is a cool little addon that will allow you to have thread/post templates and manage placeholders. These are set in each node individually by editing the node in the ACP.

Place holders can be used to direct people to do or not do something. Placeholders will show up in selected forums for threads and/or posts if you desire. Placeholders disappear as soon as the user starts typing in the editor.

Placeholder Example:

Thread & post prompts/templates can be used for a user to be directed to fill in the information in a specific way, This is useful for forums such as a car site. This does not disappear as the user starts typing, but unfortunately the user can edit the text out, there is no way around this.

Thread Prompt/Template Example:

This system works the same for the quick reply editor as it does for starting new threads. Thread prompts/templates will override a placeholder. Meaning that if you gave a placeholder and prompt defined for a forum, the prompt/template will show, not the placeholder. I've seen quite a few people looking for this so I decided to write this up and release it here.

Thread Placeholder & Prompt Setting Example:

Quick Reply Placeholder & Prompt Setting Example:
14.7 KB
First release
Last update

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  1. [OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.2

    Changed: Thread and quick reply placeholder imputs in the ACP from a editor to textarea...

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