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[OzzModz] RSS Feed Filter

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] RSS Feed Filter 2.0.6

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Users watching the destination forum(s) will now get alerts of rss feeds posted in there.
  • Fix - Filter words not an empty array in database when not defined
  • Add - Filter title for filter words in addition to content
  • Change - Serialized arrays to Json arrays where applicable due to deprecated XF data type
NOTICE: As of this update, this add-on will no longer install on or update XenForo 2.0 installs and will only work on XenForo 2.1+

The empty array fix does not apply to current feeds. You must re-save your feeds to clear the array. But, if you don't do this, the filter should still work as intended.
  • Fix - Images not being removed when they contain alt text
  • Fix - Post in same thread not using feed message template
  • Fix - Failure to import new feeds if existing feeds are still supplied by originating system

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