What does this do?
This mod will add a Homeland Security Terror Alert Widget to your VBCMS, showing the the current threat level and current alerts.
You can download the text file for instructions on how to set it up.
USE POLICY: The images are owned by NTARC. Use of the images is granted provided the proper update code and link back to www.nationalterroralert.com is used.
v1.0.0 Initial Release
This mod will add a Homeland Security Terror Alert Widget to your VBCMS, showing the the current threat level and current alerts.
You can download the text file for instructions on how to set it up.
USE POLICY: The images are owned by NTARC. Use of the images is granted provided the proper update code and link back to www.nationalterroralert.com is used.
v1.0.0 Initial Release