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[OzzModz] Amazon/eBay URL parser

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Amazon/eBay URL parser 2.1.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
This is a direct conversion of the [SolidMean] Amazon and eBay Parser by @SneakyDave done with his permission. It uses 99% of his code.

I was not going to include the eBay parser in the beginning, but decided to include it for those that use that portion of the XF1 add-on.

If you are upgrading to XF2 and have the [SolidMean] Amazon and eBay Parser installed, leave it installed. This add-on will convert your settings to the XF2 version and retain them.

The Amazon/Ebay Parser Addon will change URL's directing users to Amazon or eBay to include an administrator's Amazon affiliate ID and eBay campaign ID, respectively. It will attempt to remove any existing affiliate tags, and will only change the URL of the anchor tag, it will not change the anchor tag's text that appears on the page.

Multiple Amazon and eBay affiliate country programs are supported. Make sure to enter the appropriate affiliate id(s) in the correct program(s) you've joined in the options.

This add-on doesn't add any queries, doesn't create a new bbcode, and doesn't change the database contents of posts, signatures, or conversations. It only changes links displayed/rendered on the page. It will also work with the XenForo Link Proxy feature.


There is no branding, and no call-back/call-home code. As such, there are no guarantees in the usefulness of this addon.

1) Upload the "src" folder to your xenforo root folder on your server.

2) Install the add-on via the XenForo admin interface.

3) Visit the options and look for the "Amazon/Ebay Parser" option, and click on it.

4) Enter your Amazon Affiliate ID's and eBay Campaign ID's in the appropriate text boxes provided. Leaving the boxes blank essentially disables the add-on.
18.4 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. [OzzModz] Amazon/eBay Parser for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.1.1

    Support: XF 2.2 Changed: Addon name to [OzzModz] Amazon/eBay Parser Added: Support link for...
  2. Amazon/eBay Parser for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.1.0

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  3. Amazon/eBay Parser Update 2.0.1

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