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[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Advanced Forms 2.2.0

No permission to download
  • Added constraints for date question (any, date in the future, date in the past)
  • Added conditionals for datetime questions (must be later/earlier than conditional question)
  • Added new question types: datetime picker, time selection input
  • Added question option to respect the user's timezone in a report message (date, datetime & time questions)
  • Minor code refactor & cleanup
Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

  • Updated league/csv library to support PHP 8.1
  • Now requires min PHP 7.4.x version to CSV export
Now That Ive got your attention:

- Added checks to avoid poll creation on forums where is not available poll thread type.
Now That Ive got your attention:

This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

Fixed php 8 incompatibility
Fixed broken formatting with report question / answer color
Fixed: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors. (First error: Please enter a valid poll question.)
Fixed: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors.

Fixed: Argument 1 passed to XF::asVisitor() must be an instance of XF\Entity\User, instance of XF\Entity\Admin given, called in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 1695 src/XF.php:473
Fixed: A bug where users could submit a form multiple times if they had a direct link to the form even if they exceeded the form limit.
Fixed: An error, [E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: XX src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php:409
Fixed the version number on +/- 20 phrases that had the wrong version number associated with them. This would cause translated phrases to show as outdated.
An update to Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Fix - Node ID error if user removes thread ID from form button url
  • Fix - All of the above checkboxes not working as expected on some sites
  • Fix - Error submitting form when checkbox is used as conditional trigger
  • Fix - URL BBCode in question causes admin question list display to not show question
  • Fix - Conditional qustions not being parsed properly when form is used as a quick reply to thread
  • Fix - Forms tab not being hidden when no forms are available to a user
  • Fix - Long time, elusive, mystic disappearing post new thread from form button label
  • Add - Checkbox answer type user selection limit
  • Change - Forms tab will remain selected when a form is selected from the form list page (see NOTE)
  • Change - Expected answers delimiter from comma to new line
  • Change - User criteria display on type and form admin pages to account for incompatible add-on
  • Change - Options that do not apply to the selected answer type are no longer displayed when editing a question
NOTE: The form must be active and shown on the form list page for the forms tab to be selected. If the direct access link for a form that is shown on the form list page is used, the forms tab will be automatically selected when the form is displayed.


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