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xF2 Style Omni 2.1.10

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This was an update which we released on May 31st. You can view the full update notes here:

This notification is to get the XF Resource Manager up-to-date.
We've pushed out our 2.0.10 updates for all active customers. This is a rather large update which you can view the changes here:
2.0.10 Style Updates

Additionally I've created a little showcase of some things that made it into the update:
2.0.10 New items

You may download the update here:
This is a minor style release primarily focusing on XenForo's newly implemented GDPR changes. You must be running 2.0.6 to install this update. You can view the release announcement here.

To upgrade, export your current styles to back them up first and next simply import and overwrite the new parent XML.

tylekeobooLatest member