[NixFifty] TeamSpeak 3 Integration

xF1 Add-on [NixFifty] TeamSpeak 3 Integration 1.1.16

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@speddy, Thanks for giving new update add-on!
  • Fix an issue where friendly names would default to a blank space.
  • Add an experimental feature to associate XenForo user groups based on TeamSpeak server groups. This feature is opt-in and requires configuration.
  • Ensure TeamSpeak identities are correctly banned when warning thresholds are reached.
  • Fixed styling issues with integration test page.
  • Mapping fixes for two-way sync.
Thanks for giving update @speddy !
  • Fixed a issue with the viewer when no server groups are available for display.
  • Added a optional friendly name field when adding new TeamSpeak identities.
  • Correctly mask the server query password in the Admin Control Panel.
Thanks for give add-on update @speddy !
  • Fixed an issue leading to an error when syncing banned IPs
  • Fixes an issue with the upgrader.
asemasranLatest member