- Media Upload
- User Authentication
- Facebook & Google Authentication
- User Profiles
- Commenting
- User Likes
- Full Admin Panel
- Multiple Color Schemes
- Add Pages
- NSFW Functionality
- Language Translation Ready
- And Much Much More…
- Laravel 5.5
- Voyager 1.0
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Many Other Popular Libraries & Frameworks
- PHP >= 7.0.0.
- OpenSSL PHP Extension.
- PDO PHP Extension.
- Mbstring PHP Extension.
- Tokenizer PHP Extension.
- XML PHP Extension.
Voyager is one of the most popular admin panels available for applications. This script utilizes the power of Voyager to make building and customizing the site to make it your own

This script was written using the amazing Laravel PHP framework. We happen to be releasing a new book soon that teaches all the basics about laravel. You can learn more about the book here: The Laravel Survival Guide