
WP Newsmag Nulled

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  • improvement: Updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: Page Templates section doesn’t appear;
  • fix: Changed tagDiv Composer version to address a reported vulnerability (the issue was already resolved in version 5.4.3).
  • new: tagDiv Opt-In Builder plugin – Generate leads and increase conversion rates with opt-in content lockers and subscription lists. tagDiv Opt-In Builder helps you easily create content lockers, subscribing lists and gives your visitors a compelling reason to enter their email address (opt-in) to unlock your content;
  • new: Leads shortcode – We know that collecting leads is essential for your business. We’ve added a new shortcode in the tagDiv Composer page builder to help you in marketing efforts. With Leads Shortcode, you can easily design a form that collects emails and place it on your website where you like it;
  • new: Post content locker – Newsmag Theme now can lock the content of an article and allow users to view content based on an email subscription;
  • new: Filter option added on blocks to display the Locked articles on Flex Blocks – ‘Show exclusive posts only.’ It works as standalone or in combination with other filtering options existing on the content blocks;
  • new: Option to display the “Exclusive” badge on Flex Blocks and globally on modules to mark the locked articles;
  • misc: Wordpress 5.8;
  • misc: Support for new Wordpress Widget Builder;
  • misc: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • misc: Redesigned activation message in wp-admin;
  • misc: Option to Deactivate/Delete panel backups;
  • misc: Added Author on Module 1 in the Mobile Theme plugin;
  • fix: Reset – delete just the Theme Panel settings option;
  • fix: Custom placeholder on Mobile Theme;
  • fix: Option to add js code after the body tag;
  • fix: Page template settings in Gutenberg;
  • fix: Raw HTML cannot be selected in tagDiv Composer;
  • fix: Added Print for translation;
  • fix: Remove JS block editor for mobile, on widgets.php section.
The list of modified files
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