Music Cloud Community

Script Music Cloud Community 1.2.2 Nulled

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Share your music with the world
With this app you can create a community of musicians and creatives, authors can upload their songs for other members to listen.
The backend is build on top of Laravel using a REST API to send and receive data. This will allow you to easily create another client such as a native app to access the platform.

The current client is build in Angular, an SPA (Single Page Application). The final JS bundle is about 330kb when compressed using gzip, meaning the app will load fast.

There are not so many dependencies on the JS bundle, this is intentional to keep the bundle as small as possible. To build the client app you will need node and npm installed in your system. For your convenience I have included a build into the project, but you might want to create your own build with your custom configurations. Everything is well documented.

Subscribe to receive urgent updates
I will send you an email if there’s an urgent fix that needs to be deployed to your production servers. If you have purchased this item, I’d strongly recommend you to subscribe to this list: Bleext Development
You will receive urgent updates and fixes. From time to time I will send you a preview of new features I’m working on, tutorials and videos about common questions and will always be open to receive feature requests!

Features for members
  • Can discover trending songs, popular and latest uploads.
  • Can explore songs by genre or tags
  • Can play published songs
  • Can create playlists and add songs to any of them.
  • Can like/unlike a song
  • Access to history of plays
  • A profile page with the public activity feed
  • Can play all songs in a playlist or favorites
  • Users can contact authors and other users
  • Users can follow other users
  • Search songs, albums and artist
Features for authors
  • Can create albums
  • Add songs to an existing album
  • In profile page there’s a tab for the published songs
Features for admins
  • Can edit/remove users
  • Can edit/remove albums and songs for any author
  • Can manage comments on the site
  • Can add/remove new genres
  • Can add posts to the blog
  • Can configure the name of the app, google analytics and facebook app ID
You can see this app running using the following users. You can also signup with a new account, we remove all the data every 24 hours and restore everything to the original state.
Music App pasword: testing123

password: testing123
admin user: [email protected]

Every step is well documented, you can take a look at the current documentation in the following link:
Music App

There’s a section about common errors, in case you run into any of these. You can also reach out in the comments and I will respond as soon as possible.

System requirements
In order to install this app, you will need ssh support in your server. This is not required, but it will be way easier to install all dependencies using composer. If your hosting provider doesn’t give you ssh support, I’d recommend you to use Digital Ocean! For $5 a month you can have a server up and running in minutes.
  • PHP >= 7.1.3
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
78.8 MB
First release
Last update

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