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WHMCS Multicraft WHMCS Module 2.4.0 Nulled

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## Configure the following settings to connect to the MySQL server using SSL
## The "dbCa" setting also supports the following special values:
## - empty: Don't use SSL (default)
## - "auto": Use the same CA as the "caBundle" setting
## - "none": Accept any server certificate
#dbCa = ca-cert.pem
#dbKey = client-key.pem
#dbCert = client-cert.pem
#dbCheckHostname = true

## The regexp used to determine what files are backup packs that can be
## unpacked in the restore section.
## default: \.zip$
#fileFilter = \.zip$

## When this is enabled users can backup their full server into an external
## directory defined using the settings below.
## default: false
#fullBackupEnabled = false

## The directory in which full server backups get saved. Directories for
## individual servers are automatically created within the backup directory as
## needed.
## default: backups (-> "baseDir"/backups)
#fullBackupDirectory = backups

## The template for the initial backup filename, the following variables can be
## used:
## - {DATE} Current date YYYY-MM-DD
## - {TIME} Current time HH:MM
## - {SECONDS} Current seconds
## - {WORLD}, {JAR}, {IP}, {PORT} Current server settings
## default: Backup {DATE} {TIME}.zip
#fullBackupFilename = Backup {DATE} {TIME}.zip

## The command used to create the full backup
#fullBackupCommand = /usr/bin/zip -qr "{FILE}" .
#fullBackupCommandWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\zip.exe" -qr "{FILE}" .
## The command to move a full backup to the server directory
#fullBackupMoveCommand = /bin/cp -a "{SOURCE}" "{DESTINATION}"
#fullBackupMoveCommandWin = "copy" "{SOURCE}" "{DESTINATION}"

## The regular expression used to ensure that full backups use the correct
## filename extension.
## default: \.zip$
#fullBackupFileFilter = \.zip$

## Once the backup limit set in the panel has been reached the oldest full
## backup will automatically be deleted. If this setting is disabled the
## full backup will fail instead of deleting the oldest full backup.
## default: True
#fullBackupAutoDelete = true

## By default server ports will be exposed as TCP only. This setting can be
## used to expose ports as UDP only (exposeProtocol = udp) or both
## (exposeProtocol = tcp, udp). For backward compatibility the following part
## of the default Docker command line has to be removed if UDP only is desired:
## "-p {DOCKER_IP}:{PORT}:{PORT}"
## default: tcp
#exposeProtocol = tcp

## Format for specifying the number of CPUs assigned to the container. Only
## used if SERVER_CPUS is greater than 0.
## default: --cpus=%s
#cpusFormat = --cpus=%s
## The command to send a signal to a container
#signalCommand = kill mc{SERVER_ID} --signal="{SIGNAL}"
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