* Fixed: Unyson Installation Issue.
* Compatible with WordPress 6.1
* Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions
* Compatible with PHP 8.1 version
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Compatible with wordpress 5.8
* Some design issue updated
* Latest jQuery fixes updated
* Updated: All premium plugins
* GDPR Compliant update in comment form
* Gutenberg compatible
* Latest wordpress version 5.1.1 compatible
* Updated latest version of all third party plugins
* GDPR Compliant update in comment form, mailchimp form etc.
* Mailchimp issue fixed
* Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible
* Updated latest version of all third party plugins
* Fix - Background color option not working for "Blockquote" shortcode
* Fix - Nav menu plugin conflict issue
* Fix - Unyson page builder conflicts with "Visual Composer" and "DesignThemes Page Builder"
* Fix - ios device responsive issue
* Fix - Menu design issue
* Fix - Sidebar conflicts with fullwidth content
* Fix - Other design issues
* Fix - Disabling "Visual Editor" option from profile settings page conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder"
* Fix - Added links to tweets from twitter widget
* Fix - New WordPress widgets like Text, Image, Gallery,... conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder"
* Fix - When both product and categories are added in same page WooCommerce

* Compatible - WordPress 4.9.4
* Compatible - WooCommerce 3.3.3

* Packed with - DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 1.3
* Packed with - Layer Slider 6.7.0
* Packed with - Revolution Slider
* Packed with - WPBakery Visual Composer 5.4.5
* Packed with - Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.21
* Packed with - Events Schedule WP Plugin 2.4.3
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sassmathLatest member