Script MTDb 4.0.5 Nulled

No permission to download
  • new: added last login and suspension status in users datatable in admin area
  • fix: show watchlist button on mobile
  • fix: invoice notification sometimes not being sent

New Features​

  • Video and stream viewing can now be resumed at the same time from previous session.
  • Added several search integrations, including meillisearch and algolia. This allows for much better search speed and accuracy.
  • Added view mode switcher to browse titles and list page.
  • Added comments for title and episode page.
  • Added a fully featured, token based API. It can be used to integrate MTDb into other projects, native apps and more.
  • Added Manage API Access Tokens section in account settings page for creating or revoking API access tokens.
  • Added functional API docs. They can be accessed at url, there's also a link in account settings page.
  • Updated datatable design in admin area and added a number of new filters.


  • Browse titles and people page will now have next and previous pagination buttons instead of infinite scroll.
  • List page will now show list owner, created at and updated_at dates.
  • Original title is now editable and searchable on the site.
  • Streamable label will now show in lists and related titles panel.
  • Filmography categories on person page will now be ordered by item count.
  • It's now possible to change language and switch to dark mode from footer.
  • Separated all "as himself" credits on person page into separate category.
  • Main title page will now show up to three directors.
  • A more descriptive error message will now be shown if incompatible PHP version is detected.
  • Updated laravel and angular to latest versions.
  • Permission manager in admin area will now have better descriptions and rarely used permissions will be hidden behind "advanced" flag.
  • Compatibility with latest Stripe API version.
  • Custom pages will now support code highlighting for more languages.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed an issue where season data was not cached properly sometimes.
  • Prevent search page from opening when clicking on search icon in add credit modal.
  • Fullscreen for vimeo embeds will now work properly.
  • Corrected a few languages in "admin > settings > automation" page having wrong code.
  • Don't show aggregate rating SEO tag, if title does not have any ratings or reviews.
  • Episode release date will now show correctly when editing it from admin area.
  • Quotes will now show correctly on search page.
  • Social logins panel in account settings page will now be hidden if all social logins are disabled in settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where titles containing only numbers might not be searchable.
  • Sitemap generator will now include episode and season urls.
  • Full credits url will now be correctly added to sitemap generated from admin area.
  • Fixed a few issues with sitemap generation.
  • Landing page "join now" button will now link to register page instead of pricing if billing is disabled in settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where public image would sometimes be uploaded as private when using s3 to store files.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting all text in search bar might prevent further searching until page reload.
  • Fixed an issue where installation might not start properly on some hosting environments.
  • A number of other smaller fixes.


  • Filtering by genres on browse page should now be faster.
  • Updated data tables across the site and images used when there's nothing to display in the table.
  • Infinite scroll will now be triggered sooner when scrolling on discover page.
  • Scrollbar in dark mode in firefox will now match site color better.
  • Navbar can now be hidden for custom page.
  • Role index page will now list users by date user was assigned to role.

Bug Fixes​

  • Automatically imported news articles will now have correct source url.
  • Genres with cyrillic and other accented characters added from settings page should now work properly.
  • Deleting backdrop images when editing title from admin area will now properly remove all relevant files from the disk.
  • Error message will now be shown when trying to create a video with a name that already exists.
  • When chunked uploading is enabled videos will now correctly upload to public disk.
  • Redirect user to upgrade/pricing page when clicking on external video link if user or role has not "" permission.
  • Locally created titles that are not marked as "fully_synced" will now be included in the sitemap.
  • Default html5 captions on firefox will now longer display initially if caption are disabled on the player.
New Features

  • Added support for adaptive hls and dash streams (.m3u8, .mpd, .ts etc) with automatic quality and caption selector.
  • Browse page can now be set as homepage.
  • Added tags and reviews data tables in admin area.
  • Video plays are now tracked and the total count can be viewed in videos table in admin area.
  • Added configurable GDPR cookie notice.
  • Added configurable confirmation policies to register page.
  • Added chunked uploading. This allows MTDb to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server max file size limits.
  • Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage when previewing or downloading files.
  • Added resumable uploads functionality.

  • Video and other uploads can now be stored on cloud providers (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc)
  • Possible video qualities can now be specified from settings page.
  • Minimum and maximum years can now be specified for release date slider in browse titles page.
  • Landing page image and overlay color can now be changed from appearance editor.
  • "Add Credit" modal in edit title page will now show a list of available jobs and departments.
  • Videos can now be added for a series without selecting a specific season or episode.
  • Title selector in video modal will now use regular site search for better results accuracy.
  • Improved genre, keyword and production country management when editing titles.
  • Local search will now order results by relevance first and then by popularity.
  • Added "" permission. Users without this permission will be redirected to upgrade page when trying to play a video.
  • Show 5 episode credits per series in actor filmography by default with a button to show more.
  • Next video will now be played automatically when player overlay is open and current video ends.
  • Translation lines can now be removed in "admin > translations" page.
  • Show more descriptive error message in create video modal.
  • Redirect user from "billing/pricing" to "billing/upgrade" url if they are already logged in or subscribed.
  • Close filters sidebar in browse page on mobile by default.
  • Slugs will now be generated properly for cyrillic and chinese characters.
  • Billing plans will now be synced automatically when changing paypal or stripe credentials from settings page.
  • User password can now be changed from admin area.
  • Increase time period for "next and previous episodes" panel to two weeks from current date (was one week previously).
  • If title primary video has a thumbnail, use that thumbnail as title video cover image.
  • Hide title videos panel if there are no videos to show and user can't add new videos.
  • Strip title name from automatically imported youtube videos.
  • Compatibility with latest tmdb and stripe API.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where wrong episode count was shown in edit video modal.
  • Don't show news articles in custom pages table in admin area.
  • Don't remove old image if there's no new poster image available on themoviedb.
  • Fixed a few issues with enabling memcached cache driver.
  • Clicking related videos in player sidebar will now always correctly load captions.
  • Titles with accented characters will now work properly in urls.
  • Corrected a few issues with input texts having low contrast in dark mode.
  • Adding production countries when editing title will no longer require page reload.
  • Show age ratings from settings page in edit title page.
  • Prevent deletion of billing plans if any users are subscribed to them.
  • Prevent billing plan parent being set to the plan itself.
  • Properly escape double quotes in page meta description tag.
  • Don't show videos in title page if user has no "" permission.

  • Email confirmation sent via "Resend" button will now contain correct email confirmation url.
  • Fixed a few issues with syncing filters and url in browse page.
  • Search bar will now have proper background color on mobile when dark mode is active.
  • Fixed a few issues with translations.
  • Properly show landing or homepage preview in appearance editor when relevant menu item is selected.
  • Public lists can now properly be accessed event without "lists.view" permission.
  • Don't disable "onlyStreamable" filter when clicking "movies" or "series" navbar menu items.
  • Hide reviews tab in title page if user does not have "reviews.view" permission.
  • Show correct character name in filmography if actor has been in multiple seasons of same show as different character.
  • Chart legend items will now wrap to new line if there's not enough space.
  • A number of other smaller fixes and improvements.
New Features

  • Added subscriptions and billing functionality.
  • Data tables in admin area now have a number of built-in filters for easier data management.
  • Added new table design for title and episode videos. Active design can be changed from settings page.
  • Added an option for users to report videos.
  • Video table in admin area can now be filtered by title, season and episode.
  • Added new list auto update options for getting most recently created movies and series and most recently published videos.
  • Added "Back to top" button to browse titles and series page.
  • Search can now be performed using both TMDb and Local providers.
  • Captions can now be added to videos.
  • Added new video player with support for captions, player speed, pip and more.
  • Player overlay can now show other videos from same season in related videos panel.

  • Added a number of new content and streaming related settings allowing further fine tuning of the site.
  • Images will now be lazy loaded to improve performance.
  • Videos can now be added from admin "videos" page as well as from "titles" page.
  • Movie and series urls will now contain titles.
  • Sorting order on people page can now be changed.
  • Admin area is now fully responsive.
  • Video files can now be uploaded directly from add and edit video modals.
  • Default video order for title and episode pages can now be changed from settings page.
  • Language can now be specified for videos.
  • Videos automatically imported from themoviedb can now be hidden from title and episode pages.
  • Videos can now be deleted from title page by user who uploaded them or admin.
  • Videos on title page will now scroll in a single row, instead of being displayed in a grid.
  • Movies and episodes can now have "streamable" label.
  • List description will now be shown on main list page.
  • Videos can now be approved or disapproved from admin area. Disapproved videos will not be shown to users.
  • Title images can now be re-ordered.
  • Title, person, list and search method can now be set independently to "local" or "tmdb".
  • Person filmography syncing can now be toggled if person data provider is set to "tmdb".
  • Movie posters will now always be scaled to same height.
  • If list is set to "auto update" its content will now be immediately updated after creating or updating that list.
  • Users can now update or delete their own videos from title or episode page.
  • Custom HTML can now be entered from "admin -> appearance > custom code" page.
  • Minimum popularity for people page can now be specified from settings page.
  • Increased performance of local search.
Bug Fixes

  • Automatically delete user lists when user is deleted from admin.
  • Lists with both people and titles will now work properly.
  • Properly show page title on news article page.
  • Episode credits in person filmography will now be properly ordered by season and episode number.
  • Episode year will now be automatically filled in when creating episode from admin area.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with some resources not having proper urls in sitemap.
  • Long descriptions in slider show now get collapsed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where genres with some symbols would not work properly in "browse" page.
  • Episode page should not have correct seo tags.
New Features
  • Added sitemap generator in "admin -> settings -> content" page.
  • Meta tags will now be visible on regular site, not just for crawlers and bots.
  • Added recaptcha support for "registration" and "contact us" pages.
  • Added icon selector for "admin -> appearance -> menus" page.
  • Added "Contact Us" page.
  • Google "mobile friendly" tests should now fully pass.
  • SEO editor now has a more powerful placeholder system which allows usage of all data that will be available for a particular resource.
  • Browser page title will now reflect title specified via "admin -> appearance -> seo" page.
  • SEO editor will now use "textarea" to make editing easier.
  • Episode number can now be changed when editing a series from admin area.
  • Age ratings for "browse" page can now be modified from settings page.
  • Menu manager "route" type items now support query parameters.
  • Settings page will now validate most newly entered settings.
  • Google analytics .p12 file can now be uploaded from settings page.
Bug Fixes
  • "Add item" panel in menu manager should now work on safari.
  • Fixed an issue where user permissions could not be updated from admin area sometimes.
  • Navigation menu should now work properly on tablets.
  • Sitename entered in "admin -> appearance -> general" page will now affect emails.
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