Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.52
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.4.0
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.8
Update: Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.8
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.9
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.9
Enhancement: Upgraded the design of custom fields to make them more user-friendly and intuitive.
Enhancement: Introduced an option to select the required steps in Add Listing.
Enhancement: Added the dependency with the Listing Creation Form settings in the Layout Builder.
Fix: Corrected the "Download Google Fonts" setting not appearing after an update.
Fix: Fixed an issue with adding a listing via admin panel
Fix: Fixed an issue where changing a listing’s author via the admin dashboard did not update the user’s inventory.
Fix: Fixed the “Show All” button in Featured not working properly on Inventory page.
Enhancement: Added a "Show More" button for displaying listings on the page.
Enhancement: Introduced a quick access menu in the admin bar for better management.
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to 1.4.47
Fix: Resolved an issue where Addon was displayed before the Rate item in email invoices in Rental layouts.
Fix: Addressed an issue where scrolling the WordPress dashboard menu was impossible on the Listings page.
Enhancement: Introduced option to display Address, Primary Phone Number, and Secondary Phone Number for header style in Dealership One.
Enhancement: Added Typography and Background settings for the Compare Elementor widget for customization.
Enhancement: Added an option to adjust the thumbnail height for listings in WP Bakery widgets for better layout control.
Enhancement: Added a message that shows up instead of the Rental selection form when the WooCommerce plugin is inactive.
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.4
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.7
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.43
Update: Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.9
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.7
Fix: Resolved an issue where images were cropped in Search Results on Inventory when Gallery Interaction on Hover was enabled.
Fix: Fixed a bug causing images to display incorrectly after search filtering in Inventory.
Fix: Fixed an issue when admin couldn't add a listing without selecting a pricing plan.
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.2
Update: Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.5
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.5
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.7
Enhancement: Redesigned Listing Manager and improved interface with more intuitive settings.
Fix: Resolved an issue where the logo didn’t load on the homepage after demo import in Elementor Listing Five.
Fix: Corrected affix display in the following widgets: Listing Tabs, Car Listing Tabs, and Featured Boats.
Fix: Fixed an issue in Listing Search Tabs where the dropdown incorrectly showed the number of cars instead of car reviews.
Fix: Resolved a problem where the dependency between Make and Model fields was not working correctly.
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.38
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.0
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.4
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.6
Update: Updated Slider Revolution to version 6.7.21
Fix: Fixed year of manufacture showing for some item models after demo content import.
Fix: Corrected date input styles in the Schedule Service setting for the Contact Form 7 widget.
Fix: Info Box widget styles in Auto-parts layout when using Custom Colors in Theme Skin.
Fix: Resolved Search Filter cropping issue in Inventory Listing Map with Boxed Layout enabled.
Fix: Include Sale Listings option not working properly in Listings Grid Tabs.
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.34
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.8
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.2
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.3
Update: Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.3
Update: Motors Vin Decoder plugin is updated to v1.1.1
Enhancement: Added new settings for Sale Price, Custom Label, and Price Title forms.
Fix: Resolved issue where Dark Mode settings were not applied in edit mode for Listing Template.
Fix: Fixed deactivation issue for Number Field parameters when not all checkboxes were deactivated.
Fix: Corrected the display of Listing Description text, which was previously shown on a single line.
Fix: Fixed multi-select issue for categories in fields with Multiple Select in the Search Filter.
- Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.33
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.7
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.2
Update: Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.2
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.4
Fix: Fixed missing 'Remove from list' button when comparing listings on tablets.
Fix: Fixed display of single-word titles in STM Text widget.
Fix: Resolved unintended shipping costs for “Pay per listing” and “Paid featured listing” purchases.
Fix: Fixed Column Count setting in Product widget incorrectly showing columns on the page.
Fix: Corrected the low quality of images in Inventory Types.
Fix: Fixed Sort By Price filter not applying to search results.
Fix: Restored 'Use in tabs' option in Motorcycles layout.
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.32
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.6
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.1
New feature: Added a new user role, 'Listing Manager' to create and manage listings directly from the admin site.
Fix: Resolved layout crash of listing categories on Inventory page in mobile view when icons are missing.
Fix: Fixed issue where the "Sort by Distance" filter wasn’t working correctly on the search page.
Fix: Fixed issue with accessing Custom Fields when selecting 'Edit Listing Categories' in Elementor.
Fix: Corrected a fatal error in Related Subscriptions on the WooCommerce Orders page.
Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.26
Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.3
STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.0
Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.0
Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.9Enhancements:
🛠 Fixes:
Added a character limit of 20 for Slug field in Listing types for clarity.
Added a TikTok icon to social media buttons and updated the existing Twitter icon.
Resolved the translation issue for the pricing plans tabs, “Month & Yearly,” in the WP Bakery builder.
Fixed the element positioning issue that occurred when toggling Sticky posts, which was not visible in the editor.
Corrected the error when adding an Options category for custom listings in MLT.
Optimized the functionality of Search tabs in MLT when SEO-friendly URLs are enabled.
Fixed issues with the Swiper carousel widgets not functioning in Elementor PRO.
Corrected the image cropping optimization setting on listing pages.
Resolved the problem preventing users with an active plan from adding a listing, which erroneously prompted them to upgrade.
Fixed the misalignment of the Sign Up button in the Login/Registration popup.
- Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.3.9
Fix: When the plugin update is released, it redirects to the Plugins page and will block navigation to any other pages.
Fix: Minor bug fixes.