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MineSync, for XF2

xF2 Add-on MineSync, for XF2 3.2.4_S2.1.3

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This update fixes a bug in the XenForo code.

Please refer to this article for more information on versioning.

XenForo update: 3.2.3 -> 3.2.4

  • Fixes bug where MineSync block isn't shown on messages
This update fixes bugs in both the XenForo and server code and includes code cleanups. It also adds support for MC 1.14. A full summary is below.

Please refer to this article for more information on versioning.

Server update S2.1.0 -> S2.1.2
  • Single version JAR to support all versions MC 1.8 to MC 1.14. In the past, we had to issue a separate JAR file for MC 1.8 users, the default JAR file was for MC 1.9 - 1.13, and a special JAR file for MC 1.14. This was mainly due to a single dependency we used that had version-specific support. They have changed their dependency to have more universal support, and we now use that. The new JAR file is compatible with MC versions 1.8 to 1.14. You may need to make some changes when updating the server verison. See:
  • Updated other dependencies and code cleanups
  • Fix a special case where an error occurred if a Vault-supported permission plugin was installed but did not have proper group support.

XenForo update: 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2
  • FIx tab icon (font awesome change)
  • Update old links and footer copyright year
  • Code cleanups

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