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MineSync, by nanocode

xF1 Add-on MineSync, by nanocode 2.0-beta.3

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MineSync 2.0 Beta 3 (2.0-beta.3)

We're excited to bring this update to you!

This fixed most of the bugs reported to us reported in earlier versions, including the /register bug. We also added new features and UI improvements, such as a colour picker, searching on XF by username/UUID, and a "link your account" notice.

Full changelog:
  • /register command fixed! /register will now properly create a register key and allow users to register on the forums
  • Detect when players have already registered on the forums (

  • On registration, we show the user the account they are linking with (


  • Fixed a bug where an empty API IPs allowed box was not recognised as empty
  • Added the ability for admins to disable changing of user group tags (via XF options)
  • Added the ability for a new priority group to be set on each update (e.g. a user is a VIP and has the VIP tag, and is later added to moderator, they will now automatically have the moderator tag without having to change it manually)
  • Admins can now search for users by either their Minecraft username, or UUID (

  • Colour pickers have been added so you can choose colours using a friendly GUI, rather than entering hex codes (

  • A notice is added to the forums for registered users that have not linked their account, prompting them to link their account. You can edit this to style your needs (e.g. you can list incentives for linking an account), and it can be disabled via the XF options
  • The misleading 503 error code for invalid API credentials has been changed to 401 (unauthorised) to make it easier to debug
  • Various other bug fixes

As always, this is beta software. This may contain bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them to us. We believe we have fixed all reported bugs in this version, and hopefully if we receive positive feedback we will be able to go gold with this version soon! Any further suggestions or bugs should be directed to our support team ([email protected]) as soon as possible!

For full upgrade instructions, see:
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