Member Lists Pro

IPS Member Lists Pro 1.0.6 Nulled

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About This File

Member Lists Pro by @Fosters gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of ways to customize, craft, and populate your member lists. Create staff lists, create clan lists, create special lists, create multiple lists, create as many custom member lists as you want! Break beyond the standard IPS member list with a customized set of tools and designs to connect your members with a more meaningful set of userdata. Member Lists Pro is perfect for gaming and clan communities; dating and social communities; regional and geographic communities; and any community that demands a more specialized set of memberlists.
This application enables you to curate new memberlists based on multiple criteria like primary group, secondary group, validating status, avatar, and content count. You also control how the list is displayed, with powerful design options to show group icon, join date, reputation, birthday, content count, ranks, and options to View Content and Send PM.

What's New in Version 1.0.6

Released August 11, 2016
This release includes several bugfixes to keep this application compatible with the recent IPS4.1.x release.
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First release
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