Marketing – Corporate & Enterprise Website CMS is a complete solution for everyone who doesn’t have coding knowledge, or skills on changing code on these matters. The theme is also prepared for multilanguage, and offers the possibility to have color changes according to your business or product.
Along with these features you can use your dashboard to have control on page views and page hits on your website.
==========||========== HOW TO ACCESS ==========||==========
For tests matters you can access through here:
Login: admin
Password: admin
==========||========== FEATURES ==========||==========
NEW FEATURE: Event Calendar
GDPR settings;
Preloader Selector;
2 Blog types;
Latest Posts;
Team Options;
Slider Skills with Waypoints;
Custom Pages Order (wordpress style);
Custom Pages Feature;
Media Library;
2 Pricing Tables Feature;
2 ServiceTypes (Image, and Icon services);
2 Portfolio Types (Gallery, and Portfolio);
Possibility to add project Link;
4 Menu Types (Left and Right and Fixed Top with shrink effect);
Quick installer;
Modern, Clean, Minimal design;
Based on Bootstrap 3 grid;
Responsive and retina-ready layout;
Preloader and minimal css animation;
Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+);
Parallax Image integration on every section;
About Us made easy with WYSIWYG;
Google Maps picker;
Portfolio with quicksand selector and lightbox;
2 contact form Types;
Google fonts;
Pixel Perfect Coding;
Easy register, and forgot password;
Multi-Language option;
5 homepage Options:
Static image;
Images Slideshow;
Particles Slideshow;
Own Video;
Full Text option for Contact form;
Essencial Social Networks;
Smooth opening site;
Easy to customize;
Pixel Perfect Design;
Unique effects and functionality;
Valid HTML5 &
CSS3 Files;
Ajax Popups;
Well Documented;
Professional support;
Font Awesome Icons Ready;
Working Newsletter subscription form;
Google Map;
SEO Ready;
Strong Admin Panel;
Unlimited colors;
Every section can be customized from dashboard;
Visitors Analytics with strong filter;
Owl Slider under testimonials and Partner sections;
Countdown and Progress bar options for Coming Soon page;
Easy settings customization page;
Database backup and Restoration;
Custom css for even more changes;
==========||========== FILES INCLUDED ==========||==========
Working PHP contact form;
Demo Auto Installation;
Possibility to download subscribers Listing;
==========||========== IMAGES NOT INCLUDED ==========||==========
Images for the preview were used from and they are not included in the stock file.