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Log Digest

xF2 Add-on Log Digest 3.1.2

No permission to download
Minor bugfix to explicitly enforce admin permissions on admincp tools
Addon has been re-architected to be more robust and extensible.

Same functionality - should now be more reliable in detecting logs to send.
v2.1.2 (2020-05-16)
  • add version requirements to addon.json
  • bugfix: variable may not have been defined when we used it
  • use release version of hampel/xenforo-test-framework

v2.1.1 (2019-10-21)
  • fixed a bug in method name for cron task

v2.1.0 (2019-10-21)

  • major restructure and rewrite of code to use repositories and services
I am changing the structure of the addon_id I use for my addons - so this release is a re-release of the functionality currently available in v1.0.1, but with a new addon_id.

Note that you cannot directly upgrade from v1.0.1 - there are additional manual steps required - please see upgrade instructions below.

If you don't yet have v1.x installed, just install v2.x as you would normally do for any addon. If upgrading from v1.x of the addon, follow the instructions below.

Upgrade instructions from v1.x of the addon (read this in full before starting - follow the steps in order to avoid data loss!):
  1. back up your forums (both database and file system) before attempting to upgrade - you could lose data if you get the steps wrong!
  2. it is highly recommended that you close your forums before starting the upgrade process
  3. In your favourite database browser tool, locate the xf_addon table for your forum installation and then find the row with the addon_id = LogDigest
  4. Change the is_legacy field for this row and set the value to 1. This will mark the addon as "legacy" in the admin UI and disable the addon
  5. Extract the new v2.0.x addon to the file system. It won't over-write the existing addon installation because of the change in addon_id
  6. Refresh the addon list in the UI - the system should offer to upgrade the addon instead of installing it, having detected that the old addon is the "legacy" version
  7. Proceed with the upgrade - all data and option settings will be retained, the old addon will be uninstalled and show up in the admin UI as "Installable". Do NOT re-install the old addon!
  8. Remove the old addon files from the file system completely - these can be found in <forum_root>/src/addons/LogDigest
  9. Test that the new version of the addon works - look for the test suite in the Tools section of the admin UI
Alternatively, if you don't mind reconfiguring the addon - you may also simply uninstall the existing addon (and removes the files from the file system!) and then install the new v2.x version.
  • bug fix: wasn't allowing unlimited log entries (limit = 0)
  • display last reset time using timezone configured in options

coolmaniakLatest member